Baby Names


OK so I love the name Xander/Zander, but I'm debating on the spelling. My fear is that with the name Xander people will pronounce it "Ex-ander" as opposed to "Zander". How do you all pronounce Xander?

Re: Xander/Zander

  • I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!

  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!

    I agree

    Dec '12 & Jan '15
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  • I agree with PP, and I prefer Xander.
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  • I pronounce Xander and Zander the same.  I definitely prefer Xander.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • Not a fan of it, no matter what the spelling
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  • DS1 is named Xander, we have never had anyone pronounce it wrong.

    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • I cannot imagine anyone pronouncing it ex-ander. I think you're over-thinking on this one.
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  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!



  • Xander, but I hate the name. 

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  • I think it should be Xander. I don't think many people will have problems, but that is an easy pronunciation issue to correct when people make it...
  • imageLollipopsAndCrisps:
    Xander, but I hate the name. 

    Me too.  

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  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!


  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!


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  • imageAlphabetFish:

    I would never pronounce Xander any way but "zander." I've never even heard it any other way--plus it's a general rule that when an X starts a word, it's pronounced as a Z.

    I don't think hardly anyone will have an issue with this. Please spell it Xander!


    I like it a lot as a nickname for Alexander. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If anyone pronounces it "ex-ander" then they should go back to elementary school.  Great name, love it with an X.  It's my brother's name!
  • FinkFink member

    I pronounce Xander and Zander the same.  I definitely prefer Xander.


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