Cloth Diapering

Wool and fitteds at night

So I bought an ecoposh wool gently used soaker and Im excited to try it. I've got 2 goodmamas and 1 bummis bamboozel. They aren't specifically for nighttime. Was wondering fellow wool users do you use specific nighttime fitteds or just regular fitteds do you stuff any extra. Excited to try! Thanks for the help!

Re: Wool and fitteds at night

  • I have a few fitteds that I reserve for nighttime because they tend to be very absorbent.  I use sustainablebabyish OBF fitteds for overnight mostly.  You could always add hemp doubles to your goodmama to help with absorbency overnight.  How old is your LO?
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  • My little one is almost 16 months. I only have 2 AMP hemps but its a full insert. Maybe I'll see how that works.

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  • I only use fitteds at night and the ones I've tried have all been recommended for ON use (but can be used for daytime with fewer soakers). But I think it would ultimatey be the same thing if you just added soakers to a less absorbent diaper. It seems to me the only thing that makes my ON fitteds more absorbent is the extra soakers.
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  • We use GMD workhorses at night with a preemie prefold for extra absorption. 
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  • The hemp should be great, maybe trifold it.  As long as you have an absorbent enough diaper, the wool will work great.
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  • Im trying tonight! Thank you!!!
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