So, BFN yesterday and that *** came right on time. I'm deciding to forge ahead right into attempt 2. This month we will include the HSG tube check (on our dime).
What type of injectable stims does everyone take? Clomid didn't work for me and I had pretty rough side affects. Also, did you self-pay? Also, what other types of trigger meds are there besides Pregnyl? I couldn't walk without cramps for a week after triggering.
Thanks all! Here's to a Capricorn
Re: IUI #2 Begins- Injectable questions
Me 41 DH 46 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. TTC #2 **5th cycle 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy is due 04/28/13!!
I've done two cycles of IUI with femara and injectibles (gonal-f). I have no coverage for fertility medications but my insurance did cover the femara (which is relatively inexpensive) as it has uses other than fertility. Ditto with crinone (progesterone suppository taken after IUI). OOP, the gonal-f is very expensive, especially if you need high doses.
For the trigger, I've used pregnyl (and paid anywhere from $60-79 for the shot). I've actually begged me RE's office to prescribe me Ovidrel (which I understand is a sub-q injection), but they really haven't obliged so far. Not sure why- I need to further look into this.
2/12-5/12: 4 IUI cycles = all BFN;
7/12: DE IVF # 1 (with ICSI)- 20R, 16M, 14F, 5DT of 2 blasts; 6 frosties = BFN;
Lupus anticoagulant initially high, then found to be normal on hematology consult;
Follow up testing in September all clear;
Started synthroid for "high normal" TSH;
FET # 1- late October 2012- BFP on FRER; beta # 1- 21(low), beta # 2- 48 (still low), beta # 3- 132, beta # 4- 1,293; beta # 5- 5,606; last beta- over 100,000. First u/s 11/21- heard heartbeat
12/12- Officially an OB patient!
Level 2 ultrasound at 20 weeks shows vasa previa and VCI
Referral to MFM and mandatory c section for delivery
Beautiful baby girl born at 34 weeks
Finally home after 15 day NICU stay!
Trying for sibling: FET # 2- May 2014; beta 5/31, BFN
FET #3, early July 2014; beta 7/14, BFN
DE IVF # 2- August 2014; 14R, 13M, 11F, 5dt of 2 blasts (3 AA), 5 frosties = BFN
FET #4- December 2014, yet another BFN
Dr. KK work up shows borderline uterine blood flow, elevated NK cells, and MTHFR mutation (homozygous for c677t)
Added baby aspirin, prednisone, supplements, Metanx, and intralipids
Switched to large clinic for final attempt; had endometrial receptivity testing in January; FET March 2015 = yet another BFN
Likely OAD- NBC