
XP: Feeding Issues

DS is 3 months old. He gets a dreamfeed around 11-11:30 and usually wakes up at either 3am or 5am - just depends on the night. More often than not, it's around 5. Usually up for the day somewhere between 7 and 8.

Last night for instance, he was up at 3:15 and ate 4.5 ounces. Usually throughout the day, he'll eat 5.5 ounces every three hours or so. He went back to bed and I heard him about 7:15am cooing in his crib. I got him up and changed him, made him his bottle and he only ate 2 ounces. No interest in eating whatsoever. I can understand if he wakes up at 5 and eats why he might not be that hungry, but usually when he's up at 5, he'll sleep until about 8.

Also, he will eat the whole bottle the majority of the time during the day, but it's such a chore to get him to eat as he's too busy turning his head, looking around, dropping the bottle out of his mouth. He used to suck down a bottle like it was going out of style.

Anyone else have issues like this? Is this common at this age?

ETA:  I put him down this morning about 8:15 and he only slept for 45 minutes.  So I assumed he must be hungry and made another bottle for him.  Still no interest in eating - keeps pushing the bottle out with his tongue. 

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Re: XP: Feeding Issues

  • The first thing that came to mind was increasing the nipple size?  Maybe he's getting tired which is why he's entertained so easily looking around.

    At that age, we'd put rice cereal (per pedi instructions) in the dreamfeed bottle to hold them a bit longer.

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  • We use Dr. Brown bottles and he is on the Level 2 nipple.  So, try the next level?  I'll give the pedi a call and ask about the rice cereal.  What size nipple do you need with the rice cereal in the bottle?
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  • I'd talk to your pedi before starting the rice cereal. From what I've read, I thought that was an old wives tale about the rice cereal helping babies sleep longer or go longer stretches between bottles (people think it works because they start giving it around the same time babies typically start to sleep longer stretches anyway).

    Since he's not starved for that first bottle between 7 and 8, if it were me I'd start lessening the amount in the 3am/5am bottle in the hopes he'll start stretching out his nighttime sleep.

    Good luck.

    ETA: FWIW, my pedi was pretty against any solids (even rice cereal) until 6 months old.

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