ok, I hate my mom. All in fun though!
If I have a boy, she wants to nickname him "Bubba"
WHY?!?!?! Because she thinks its hilarious with my last name.
Bless my husband, I love him to bits, but I totally took on a 'redneck' lastname when I married him...
Okay, Ill tell you.. my last name is Cousins.
Thats right, "Bubba-Joe Cousins"
Thanks mom. Laugh it up! XD OMG!!!!!!!!!!
BTW if its a boy im naming him Nathaniel. So dont panic.
Re: Bubba
Ha ha - I have an Uncle Bubba.
He is my mother's brother and she grew up calling him Bubba for brother. Then to me, he became Uncle Bubba. LOL. We are from Louisiana so that brings about even more teasing, but he is so not redneck or cajun. It's actually kinda cute.
Diagnosed hypothyroidism.
My cousins used to call each other Bubba. Then they started hating each other.
My dad sometimes calls Smudge Bubba. It's cute