My SIL watches DD 2 days a week for me. Everyday when I pick her up, SIL tells me how her day was and tells me about he behavior. Lately DD smacks the spoon when you try to feed her. She throws her food off the high chair onto the floor. When you try to correct her and tell her no she screams and cries. SIL thinks this is the beginning of a temper tantrum and that I'm going to have my hands full with DD. Does your baby act like this? Do you think this behavior is normal for 10 months? Whenever my SIL says something to me I feel like I get defensive and I say she's only 10 months! She's a baby!
Re: Temper tantrums?
My DS does this also, and he just started crawling. My understanding is that LOs are finding and exhibiting their independence at this time. Eating is not the excitement of the day it previously was either.
Yesterday, DS would only take formula and he barely had anything to eat. I just smiled and went with it. Today, he's eating better. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? My feeling is that they'll eat when they're hungry.
^^ This!
They are learning to communicate their wants and needs. It's hard to do that when you can't talk. It's not indicative of the future.
I think every day will bring new challenges and changes.