Pre-School and Daycare

Girls Potty Training ?

I have a question about potty training Lil girls. Is it normal for girl to be going #2 by 4? I have a SIL with a LO that has been terrified on going #2 for almost a year. She was supposedly going then for some reason regressed and she has her in diapers at night and give her a laxative to help her go because she would hold it in.  She claimed this was directed by the Pedi. Its been almost a year this child has been doing this. I feel that this is really crazy. I had watched this Lil girl for a night and it was the craziest thing I felt I was changing a grown girl diaper as she telling me she pooped Indifferent

Any Moms out there have ever dealt with something like this? It seems so strange to me. My LO is still not fully trained and is having problems with #2, but is getting close to doing it and being comfortable.  But I guess because she isn?t my daughter its different.


Re: Girls Potty Training ?

  • It's probably more common than you would think and more prevalent in males.

    My now 17 yr old dealt with this.  He would seriously hold it so long that when he finally had to let it out it was the diameter of a coke bottle and would clog the toilet.  We would know he needed to go because he would sit funny while playing.  He was obviously uncomfortable but that wasn't enough encouragement to make him go regularly.  He ate more natural fiber than most people do and still he could hold it like crazy - it really was crazy! 

    The only thing that finally worked with him was researching the topic and showing him articles that explained that when you do this over time you will eventually leak fluid out of your anus.  Then we asked him how embarrassing it would be to leak stinky goo uncontrollably out of his but at school in front of all of his friends.

    He was NINE years old before he started going regularly.

    Is it crazy?  Sure.  Is it uncommon?  Statistically yes but certainly not unheard of.

    Bottom line.... your SIL and the child's pedi are well aware of it.  If it makes you super uncomfortable I'd tell her you'd prefer not to watch her over night. 

    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
  • All kids are different and train at different times.  There is not really a norm time for potty training and if the child has a hard time popping, it can take a lot longer.  My younger DD has always had constipation issues and she poop trained about a year after she pee trained.  She was pee trained at around age 2 but did not poop train until close to 3.  We were directed to give her Miralax every day to help and also add extra fiber to her diet in natural ways - all of which helped and these days, she no longer takes the Miralax on a regular basis but we do give her a daily fiber gummy that we found that are really good (no added sugars or anything like that) and we still have her eat a high fiber diet and limit the dairy and other things.  We had DD in pull-ups for that year as we wanted her to keep up the peeing in the potty but didn't want to push the poop thing as that would not help with her constipation issues at all.  One day she just decided she was ready and that was that.  She has been totally potty trained daytime for about a year (other than a slight regression this week) and for night time, its been a few months.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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