
Fever from flu shot?

We just got DS his flu shot this morning, and after his nap he was really hot.  I didn't do a formal temperature, but I have a temperature strip thingy that read low grade fever.

Anyone's DC have this reaction?  When should it subside?

We gave him tylenol, anything else I should do?

Re: Fever from flu shot?

  • DS got a fever last year reacting to his first flu shot- it lasted maybe 3 or 4 days, a day or so at 102, going up to 104.8 (under the arm) at the peak & back down.  We alternated Tylenol & Motrin every 3 hours, lukewarm baths, cold drinks, just keeping him comfortable. 
    It's not the first vaccine that he reacted to that severely though.  He is not getting the flu shot again this year...
    ~Melissa~ married to Cris 08.13.04 mom to Tyler 01.12.07 donate to my cause
  • My DS ran a low grade fever for a few hours the afternoon of his flu shot.  It went away after a few hours.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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