We decided to change LO's name last night. We knew our choice was popular, but had no idea HOW popular it was until we were looking at it last night. Just last night we learned that it's been the number 1 boy name since 1999 (from the SSN website). The popularity didn't bother me before, but it bothers me now. And, it bothers MH, so that isn't okay. I'm totally fine with changing his name, and I even like our new choice.
However, the only problem is that LO has been a Jacob since 18 weeks. I feel like I've bonded with him as Jacob and Jake for so long now that it seems weird to change it.
Anyone else ever do something similar?
Re: Changing names at 39 weeks
Eh, if I felt "bonded" to my child with a certain name, I would be really reluctant to change it.
What's the new name?
I have had the same boy name picked out for going on 12 years. I have a daughter, I am not pregnant, and I've already "bonded" with my phantom son named Santiago. Even if I suddenly moved to the epicenter of Santiago popularity (any of quite a few cities in Spanish-speaking countries), I would not give up this name.
I say go with your gut on this one. If your son feels like he's Jacob, don't change it. If you have heard Jacob so much it sounds like someone else's son, then by all means, move on.
This. Popular =/= bad. The reason it has been popular since 1999 is that it is a good, solid name. Not trendy. Just plain good. I say use it.
I don't think I could bring myself to change my names at this point. They just feel right for this baby... (and I'm team green, so one of them definitely ISN'T the baby!).
Jacob is a classic--not the kind of name that people get sick of after they meet a bunch of them. I say keep it.
Don't change it!
It's a perfectly fine name. Yes, it's really popular and there will likely be a few other Jacobs in his class. Is that so terrible? Not really.
There's a reason people have popular names.. they're good names.
Don't let the popularity change your mind if your son feels like a Jacob.
Jacob is not a trendy name, it's a classic!
The potential new name is Owen. It is/was our choice for a middle name. I really like that name too. Uuuugh.
Perhaps it will be a wait and see thing once we finally get to see what he looks like.
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This, and I know a ton of kids. I agree with Anna that if you are hearing it so much on other people then maybe I'd think of changing it, but would be reluctant to do it if I felt like he already was Jacob.
Better to have a popular name than to have name regret later. Would you be pissed at yourself if you picked another name and when he starts school there are no other Jacobs in his class?
I'd go with the wait and see... I agree with pps - if you bonded with the baby under that name, use it... if you feel it is his name, you shouldn't let popularity persuade you. If it REALLY does bother you, then wait and see if Owen works out...
Owen is very popular right now too. And it's much more trendy than Jacob. I would stick with Jacob. It's a timeless classic. Owen will forever be tied to this era.
W : 01.11.13
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If it makes you feel better, wait until you're holding the baby to finalize. But I agree with pp's: Owen is super popular right now (I know several little Owens). I realize Jacob is popular too, but like others, I know only 1 little Jacob and one teenaged Jake.
Will you regret it if you switch to Owen and suddenly he shares his name with classmates and never meets another Jacob? It's really hard to predict these kinds of things (and Owen really does say 2010-2012 to me right now given it's sudden spike whereas Jacob does feel more classic to me due to it's stability in the ranks).
Good luck - fwiw, I really like the name Jacob!
Agree wholeheartedly.
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This. And I know several Owens. I say go for Jacob.
TTC 10/11. IUI 2/12. BFP 3/8/12. 4/26/12 missed mc. RE consult 5/17/12. IVF #1 ER 7/13/12 53R, 41M ICSIed, 32F, 8 5d, 6 6d blasts - all PGD/frozen. PGD results 1 normal M and 1 normal F, 1 maybe M. FET 9/6, transferred 1 F embie. Beta 9/15 BFN. FET#2 planned for 11/2012 put off until 2013. Surprise BFP 11/21/12!! My son was born on 7/24/13!