My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy. Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.
Re: Grovia questions
My Grovia AIO's are my favourite diaper. I find they fit DD really well and are pretty trim. She is almost 8 months old and we are having to use the second insert to boost absorbency, but it's working really well.
They do stain more easily then MF inserts, but a bit of sun helps with that.
It will. All of my diapers look brand new after a good sunning. On a very sunny day - they will be sparkling in as little as an hour.
My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy. Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.
The grovia AI2s are our go to daytime diaper. The inserts hold a ton of urine (my LO can nap in them no problem). They are great for the diaper bag, and we have never had a blowout with them.
Until your LO has more formed poo, you will need to change the cover out when they poo because it will get on the cover too. For pee diapers, we just rotate between a couple of covers through out the day.
The inserts do stain more easily, but they sun really well. They take longer to dry in the dryer then our other inserts, so after the cycle is done I just hang them up to finish air drying. I don't mind this though because they are so absorbent.
My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy. Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.