Cloth Diapering

talk to me about bottombumpers AIO

Are the AIO sized bottombumpers good for out and about? How do they work as far as keeping LO's bum dry? Would I need to use a fleece insert on top of the bamboo? Any advice/tips on these would be great! Is the wash routine for these the same as for pocket diapers? I have an exclusive pocket diaper stash, so I want to make sure I am ready to take on AIO's :)
kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

Re: talk to me about bottombumpers AIO

  • They come with a bi-fold quick dry snap in soaker that is topped with bamboo velour. Says they are AIO's though... Will they not be good for out and about if they let LO feel wet? That is my biggest concern...I don't know that I want her to feel wet.
    kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

    Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

  • memo9memo9 member

    Is your LO bothered by wetness?

    I loved the sized AIOs.  The soakers snap in, but it makes them dry super fast.  They are nice and trim too.

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  • I LOVE my bottombumpers.  They are my favorite diaper right now.  But if you are concerned about your LO feeling dry, I will say this: the cotton lining also gets wet. It's not just the insert that gets wet, it can be the whole inside of the diaper (across the baby's stomach and hips too, depending on how much they pee).  This doesn't seem to bother my daughter but I just thought I'd mention it.  I still think the diaper works really well and again, it's the first one I reach for, but the wetness will not just be confined to the insert.
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