June 2012 Moms

DIY elephant mobile directions PsIP

For those who wanted directions, sorry it took so long. 

First, I want to preface this post with: This is completely my design and my directions are a little vague purely on the fact that I created this "on the fly." I re-did each step at least twice to make it the way I wanted it. Forgive my vagueness. If someone has a specific question message me and I'll do my best to help :).  Be creative and try things to make them work for you. 

Materials: 5 colors of felt and white for eyes, two embroidery hoops (one larger, one smaller), embroidery thread that matches the color scheme, polyester/cotton stuffing, thin ribbon, and thick ribbon. Large needle, regular sewing needle, pins, and glue gun.

Creating the stencils:

1.) Create stencil of desired elephant using regular copy paper (you could do any shape or animal, too) 

2.) Trace the legs  on the same paper then flip the elephant to trace the legs going the other way so you make an H looking shape. Make sure there is about a 1/4 of an inch space between the legs. (This is the hardest piece to explain) Looks something like this:


If you choose not to use this piece instead of having a 3D elephant your elephant will look like this.


3.) Trace your desired ear on the paper. 

4.) Trace your desired leaf on the paper.

Cut the felt

Pin the paper to the felt so you do not need to worry about it slipping.

For each colored piece of felt you will need two elephants, 5 leaves, two ears, and one H looking shape for the elephant legs. 

Sew the Elephants

1.) Assemble the felt elephants and ears the way you want them


2.)  pin the ears where you want them on both elephants of the same color. Whip stitch the elephant ears with one piece of embroidery thread and the small needle. Stitch on the white eye, on each elephant of the same color by making a star with the thread. 

3.) Use the large needle with 3 pieces of embroidery thread. Pin the elephants together and the H shape for the elephant legs. 

Whip stitch the elephant felt pieces at an angle. be sure not to get too close to the edge because the stitches will pull through the felt. I started on the back of the elephant and went in the direction of the tail. You will have to play around with the stitches and find your own technique to correctly stitch the legs together. 

4.) Stitch one side of the elephant trunk and begin stuffing the legs, butt, and trunk of the elephant. It is easier to stitch around the stuffing in the trunk than it is to stuff it after. The pulling and tugging to stuff the trunk will misshape it. 

5.) Finish stuffing and close off the stitching at the top of the elephant. 

6.) Using one piece of embroidery thread and the regular sewing needle sew a piece of the thin ribbon to the top of the elephant. Make it a relatively long piece of ribbon about 10 1/2 inches.

A finished elephant looks like this:


Making the Leaf strings

1.) Using three pieces of embroidery thread and the big sewing needle, stitch up the center of the leaf making one backstitch at the end. Make one stitch on the new leaf leaving about an inch of thread n-between the last leaf. Make sure you backstitch the first stitch. The backstitching keeps the leafs from slipping and moving. 


Assembling the mobile 


1.) Using the larger embroidery hoop, measure and divide into 5 even spaces around the embroidery hoop. 

2.) Measure the length of ribbon you'd like the elephants to hang from. I believe I used about 7 inches. 

3.) Use the hot glue gun (low temp if you have it since you will be pressing the glue and will want to avoid burning yourself) and glue the ribbon at the 7inch mark (or whatever length you choose) and allow the extra to hang over. 

4.) Measure and divide the circumference of the smaller hoop into 5 equal spaces. 

5.) Glue the extra ribbon (about 3 inches) to the smaller embroidery hoop. 

6.) use the thick, mesh ribbon and wrap the embroidery hoop, glue the end of the ribbon to the back of the hoop. 

7.) Divide the five spaces in half on the small embroidery hoop. Tie the leaf strings at each new marked space. 

8.) Glue the thick ribbon, folded into thirds at the end, over each thin ribbon on the smaller embroidery hoop, about 6 inches long. 

9.) Wrap the thick ribbon around the smaller embroidery hoop leaving the thick ribbon you previously glued hanging out. 

This where you decide how to hang it. I'm still deciding. I think I will use a long piece of my thick ribbon to sew the 5 pieces of thick ribbon to. I will thread the thick ribbon through a painted styrofoam ball, tie the thick ribbon to a hook on the ceiling, and then push the styrofoam ball to onto the hook so one will not be able to see it. 




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Re: DIY elephant mobile directions PsIP

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