June 2012 Moms

Oh my MIL

So I was at my moms helping her fix my old room so it can be a guest room and I get home my MIL is at my house with DH. Would have been awesome if I had known she was coming over. I would have waited until she left. 

This is a woman who would not drive her second eldest son 5 minutes to the hospital after severe alcohol poisoning (he also has diabetes) and instead called DH at midnight to ask ME to drive a half hour to pick him up and take him because she didn't want to.

So I walk into our house, put my stuff down, H is sitting on the couch and what a surprise, MIL is cleaning HIS side of the room and making his side of the bed.

I'm now back at my mothers... 

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Re: Oh my MIL

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    wtf? Making only his side of the bed?  She sounds like nightmare!! So sorry you have to deal with BS like that. :-(

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    Ewww! That's odd and almost seems like a psychological issue.  If it makes you feel any better, my mil can be a total nut job too!  
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    I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I probably would have told MIL to get out of my bedroom. That's so weird that she was cleaning his side but it's also weird she was in your bedroom at all. 
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    I was upset when my DH has his FIL come into our bedroom to meet our kitty who was sleeping on the bed.  I would be LIVID if I were you!  Is there no privacy?  Could you talk to your DH about this?
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    Not to offend but why the heck was your husband letting her do that? I mean ewww is he not a grown man? I mean I'm a little creeped out by the fact that she would do that and that he would let her do that. And seriously why was she only making half the bed? If you're gonna cross the creepy line and make your grown childs bed why wouldn't you make the whole thing, I mean I find it creepier that she was only making half the bed. She sounds like a nut job. And I would have gone back to my moms too, good luck!

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    I am sorry! I would have gone back to my mom's too!

    On a side note, if anyone watches Sex and the City, kind of reminds me of "Bunny." Tray's mother who Charlotte was married to... She was the same way! Yikes!

    Sorry you have to deal with that.. :(

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    Dh and I have an agreement... for either side of the inlaws to come to our house, we both have to agree to it. If we don't want them there, we don't have to give a reason, we simply have to say nope. Maybe this is something you should try? I'd be pissed to find my MIL cleaning my house, let alone being in my bedroom. Thats just weird...
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    I suppose you know for sure that there was no possibility that she just hadn't gotten to your side yet??
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    So weird.  You have GOT to get your DH to get her in line ASAP.  My MIL just invited herself over (via email) with her new husband for an entire weekend May 5.  We just moved two weeks ago and our place is a hellhole.  Also, I am having a super hard time and am up at night a lot and the last thing I want to do is run into her new husband in the hallway of our (small, 1 bathroom) apartment.  I made DH call her and tell her no.  I am sure she is pissed off but someone had to do it.

    Boundaries, people, boundaries!   

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    Not to offend but why the heck was your husband letting her do that? I mean ewww is he not a grown man? I mean I'm a little creeped out by the fact that she would do that and that he would let her do that. And seriously why was she only making half the bed? If you're gonna cross the creepy line and make your grown childs bed why wouldn't you make the whole thing, I mean I find it creepier that she was only making half the bed. She sounds like a nut job. And I would have gone back to my moms too, good luck!

    Definitely this!  No one should be in your bedroom without permission....period. 

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    So I was at my moms helping her fix my old room so it can be a guest room and I get home my MIL is at my house with DH. Would have been awesome if I had known she was coming over. I would have waited until she left. 

    This is a woman who would not drive her second eldest son 5 minutes to the hospital after severe alcohol poisoning (he also has diabetes) and instead called DH at midnight to ask ME to drive a half hour to pick him up and take him because she didn't want to.

    So I walk into our house, put my stuff down, H is sitting on the couch and what a surprise, MIL is cleaning HIS side of the room and making his side of the bed.

    I'm now back at my mothers... 

    OMG are we married to the same man. My DH and MIL are the same way. What is with men and crazy mothers. We went to my MIL house last year for a Christmas party and my BIL wound up having to go to the emergency for an allergy attack. She refused to take him the hospital so I wound up driving in the middle of a blizzard.

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