How are you feeling girl?...Are you getting any of your energy back these days?
Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.
Re: Niki!!
hey chica! I'm feeling great. Most of my energy is back, I think the twins are just tiring me out these days.
This pregnancy is so different from the babies already. It's a heck of a lot easier, but I'm also not as consumed by it. Someone asked me how far along I was and I literally looked at them with a blank stare for a while! I was so embarrassed, but I really had no clue. I don't know if it's because I'm so busy or because this is #3? Weird.
How are you doing??!
LOL! That is so funny about not knowing how far along you are. I felt like that with my second pregnancy too. I think when you are pregnant with #2+, you are just trying to get through each day to the best of your ability...You really don't even have time to stop and think about things like that.
I am doing well. Just gearing up for my consult this friday! I am so pumped to be turning the corner on things. We are finished having kids, I had my hysterectomy last summer, now it is time for me to get back to ME!...ya know?! Very exciting.