
When did you register?

People have already asked me when we will register.  I haven't even thought about it!  My sister told me she is probably going to throw my shower in February when I'll be 27-30 weeks.  Is 20 weeks too early to register?  How far ahead of your shower did you register?

Re: When did you register?

  • I registered at 18-19 weeks because I was going to visit family out of state.  But I had done a lot of research by 14 or so weeks. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I thought I registered early by doing it right before Christmas (I was due in May) BUT I'm glad I did.  I was put on bedrest at wk 22.  You can manage your registry online but I'm glad I started in the store w/ someone who knew what they were talking about (close friend).  It was like learning a new language.
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  • I registered around 20 weeks -- I don't thinnk that's too early at all.  You want to do it while you can still get in and out of the stores comfortably. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I started my registries when I was starting to research baby gear, just so I'd have a place to keep track of what I had decided on. I was just slowly adding things from about 17 weeks on, then since I had my first shower at 26 weeks, I tried to have them finalized by 24 weeks.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • We started last weekend.  Not for any particular reason, but we were in the area (there isn't a BRU very close) and we thought we might start getting coupons if we were registered.

    It's fun - enjoy!

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    Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09 
    Mia - 6/16/11
    Surprise! due 2/23/17

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  • I'm crazy but most of my registry is done and has been for a few weeks.  I seriously reviewed like every single item I put on the registry so it took me, no joke, like over 40 hours to do it.  I did most of it online.  GL!
  • We registered a little bit at a time and started at 20 weeks and completed our registries by 22 weeks.  My shower is tomorrow!
  • I think we started our registery around week 14 because we were in the area of a Babies R Us and thought it would be fun.  I still make changes to it online, but glad I got it out of the way.  Also had an early shower because we went home to visit family.
  • I created a registry online at both Target and BRU early on. I slowly started adding basics in the beginning and after we found out twin girls, dh and I went into the stores around 20 weeks. I dont regret starting early, this way as I thought of items I could add them, when I realized we didnt actually need something else I could delete. I also took some time to research different items and look at all the reviews to find the best products.
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  • We already registered for the big stuff.  My mom actually already bought our stroller and MIL is buying our cribs (I ordered them today).  We will just tweak stuff after the "big" ultrasound in 3 weeks.  I wanted it done in time for people to use it for Christmas presents if they wanted.


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