Today I am 50% effaced (was at 30% last week), and baby A is at a -3 position (not sure what that means, but she said last week he was -4) so he has dropped a little. Anyone have a similar situation and how much longer did you make it?
Also, did anyone deliver 1 baby vaginally and 1 C-section? Although I won't know their position and sizes until my u/s next week, I am already getting nervous about this possibility. If you had baby B in a position other than head down did you try vaginal and hope he would flip? What is the recovery like when you do both?
Re: Questions for MoM's about labor/delivery
my doctor didn't do cervical length checks after 30 weeks, but prior to that i was already mostly effaced- my cervix measured about 1.2-1.6 cm from 22 weeks on. my ob said that after 30 weeks, length was not important and he only wanted to know about contractions. i didn't go into labor until i was 36w1d.
i think the ob's will do everything they can to avoid a vaginal+c-section delivery. if both aren't head-down, you will probably have a c-section (unless your dr does breech deliveries of a smaller baby b, which you would have to ask about). mine went head-down and stayed there from 20 weeks on, so i had an uneventful vaginal delivery.
this. my dd was 9lbs+, so my doctor has confidence that as long as baby b isn't transverse when his/her time comes, i can push him/her out. if baby a is anything but vertex then i will have a c/s, but he's willing to do whatever he can to give me a vaginal delivery.
I haven't delivered yet but this is exactly what my Dr. has told me. As long as the first baby is head down he would like the second to be feet first so he can just reach up and grab him and pull him out. My MFM dr is very pro-vaginal if I can deliver without a c-section so this is what we are planning on as long as they are in the correct position. It might also make a difference if you are having di/di or mono/di twins, my dr. told me that with only one placenta they have to get that second baby out fast, much faster then if there were two placentas.
My Baby A was head down, he came out with a few pushes. Baby B was transverse througout my whole pregnancy. My Dr. did a breech extraction with him, no problem.
You never know what position Baby B will be in once Baby A comes out. My friend delivered her Baby A and then B, who has been breech, flipped to head down.