I've been using mostly Flips & pockets, but I found a Goodmama for $5 at a consignment sale this week. This is my first venture into fitteds, and I have a few questions so far:
1) Do you dry your fitteds in the dryer? My daughter is 4 months, and I plan to reuse my stash for #2 someday, so longevity is a priority to me. Since these have elastic, would line drying be best?
2) What kind of cover do you use, or none? I don't have any wool yet, but I'm wool-curious. I used my GM last night with a Flip cover, which was handy because she had a poo leak through the leg hole that was caught in the cover.
Any other pearls of wisdom on fitteds are appreciated!
Re: Fitted questions
We love fitteds in this house ; ) Honestly, I have no new fitteds at all, they were all hand me downs and came to me used. I don't know how they were cared for before they were mine but I've been using them consistently for over a year (some are WAHM, some are brand names) doing the same wash routine I do with prefolds. Everything goes in the dryer on Med/High for 80ish minutes every time unless there are stains or stink and things need to be sunned. We have very hard water and line drying things makes them very stiff from minerals so I prefer drying everything in the machine so they're soft.
As far as wear goes, after a year of heavy use, I have no complaints of anything dying in the dryer. Elastic all seems fine to me and we plan on reusing the same diaps for DD2 when she fits into them. The only problem I have had are some snaps that have broken or fallen out of the WAHM fitteds but I assume that's because they weren't as high of quality nor were they as well secured as the brand names, if that makes sense. Also, the snaps could have been damaged in the washer... I have no way of knowing...
Hope that helps!!
I dry my fitteds, but I am sure they would last longer if you didn't. That said, I have never had any issues.
We use both PUL and wool.
I dry fitted soakers, but I line dry fitted shells. In the past I did put one or two of my fitted shells in the dryer on low and noticed they shrank from that (not a huge deal, but I didn't like it), so I don't machine dry shells anymore.
I use wool overnight and occasionally during the day. I usually let DD go coverless around the house. I don't use fitteds outside of the house. I also have a few PUL covers on hand but don't use them very often these days.
This exactly.
We love fitteds (they're actually my favorite diapers of all). We use Woollybottoms for nighttime & my favorite PUL cover is the Thirsties Duo (the leg gussets are awesome).
DS2 August 2012