I have twins in my family and so does my partner. I have a funny feeling that I might be carrying two babies as well but how do you know? Is an u/s the only way? I am only getting one done at 20 weeks.
I had my first appt. at 10w3d and my OB felt my uterus and said "Hm... well I guess that's about right for size." (he sounded a bit hesitant) After it took about 10 minutes to find a heartbeat on the doppler, he asked me twice if I was 100% certain of my LMP while he was searching. I didn't mention multiples on that appt. because he had so many questions about everything else and it slipped my mind.
Could is still be a possibility or would he have noticed? It feels crazy to think I might only find out at 20 weeks!
Re: Silly question... *embarassed*
it doesn't matter about twins on the males side of the family, only the females, and usually the mother would have to have been a twin herself. hyperovulation (ovulating more than one egg at a time) results in fraternal twins, and that can be hereditary. identicals are always spontaneous. so.
yes, an ultrasound is the only way to be sure. a fetal alphaprotein blood test, if high, can indicate twins or a defect. but i will say this- at my 12 week appointment, my uterus was measuring 17 weeks, so there was no "about right" size in my case. i was noticeably bigger.
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Unless you've had medical treatments involved, almost every mom thinks that she's having twins at some point. Only a small handful turn out to be right. Sorry to say you won't know until an u/s, but plenty of people find out that far along and manage.
Thanks a lot everyone! I was worried because after checking Google (not doing that again!) there seems to be many more precautions to take with multiples and I was nervous about not doing things right in case it happened to me.
I'm going to hope for one healthy baby (although it is gobbling up ALL my energy! lol) and I'll let you know if I have another surprise in May