Will the airline pay you back for it? Just curious
I have a 4 hr layover from a major airport to our local airport (which is only a 1.5 hour drive). ?It was cheaper to buy the ticket out of the local airport. ?On the way back instead of being in the airport for ?4 hours, I may try to find an alternate route home. ? rental car? DH come pick us up ?or a friend....wouldn't ?you?
Re: If you are not going to use a leg of a flight?
If you have refundable tix they should reimburse the unused portion- but most likely they will fight with you unLess they have somehow caused you an inconvenience, ie delay/ cancellation...
but- good luck. they're so unpredictible those sassy airlines..you never know what they'll do!
hope you get reimbursed!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
If it is the last leg and you do it, watch and see if any part of the flight gets changed or delayed. If it ends up being changed or delayed, they will give you your money back (or have in the past.) This won't change your plans, but might get you some money in the end. If a change happens, explain to them that this change made you late for an appointment and you need to cancel (even if you find out while in the car on the way to your destination, just call them on your cell phone.)