My little man smiles up a storm and coos and makes great eye contact, but no giggles yet. Everything I've read says that "BY" 4 months, he should be giggling. Cause for concern? THanks!
We just got our first giggle a little over two weeks ago (so at ~4 1/2 months) and it was the dog barking that made her laugh. We finally were able to make her laugh at us last night during bath-time. According to the reports from daycare she has been laughing at the other babies ever since she started laughing at the dog.
My LO took a little while to giggle too.I was worried when mine didn't giggle when I thought she was supposed to and I actually ended up crying when she finally giggled. I wouldn't be too worried it sounds like he is just taking his time,but if it is really bothering you, give your pedi a call.
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DD is 5.5 months old and doesn't giggle a lot. I doubt she was giggling at 4 months at all. She is like your LO and smiles all the time! But, she's verrrrry hard to get a good giggle out of. She has done it a few times now, but not many! I don't think it's a big concern.
My DD is the same way. She smiles, coos, has a great "vocabulary" but we haven't really gotten the belly laughs yet. She'll do a ha-ha-ha sometimes but not all the time. I think it will come soon enough.
Re: 4 months and not giggling?
I don't think so. My almost 5 month old doesn't really giggle much either. He's given us a few and does all the things your LO does, but that's it.
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17