I know it's early but I will be going out of town with the family for Memorial weekend. We usually leave Friday afternoon and come back sometime Monday afternoon/evening.
I'm a little nervous about CDing while we are there. We don't have access to a washing maching.
Right now DS is going through about 7-8 diapers a day and we have 29 diapers.
Have any of you done this and is there anything that you would recommend to help me out if we do the CD route?
Thanks for you help.
Re: Out of Town for a long weekend. Do you CD?
I'll be going out of town with our LO for the first time this weekend. Only 2 nights, but I plan to bring 30 diapers and a large wetbag.
What type of diapers do you use? Maybe invest in a few more for the trip? Maybe even just a few prefolds and a cover just in case 29 isn't enough?
I think you'll have enough to last you. Worst case scenario, you have to make a run to the store for some sposies. I say go for it, just make sure you have a big enough wetbag(s).
Also, when you get home, wash them in maybe two smaller loads instead of one big one.
We are going out of town for a couple days and plan on CDing. We have about 30-35 diapers that fit her right now, which will be more than enough to get away with no laundry while gone.
If you're worried, you could bring along some sposies JUST in case, or buy some flats and covers.
I use Econobum covers and Flip disposable inserts when we travel. I have 3 covers and purchase an two 18 count inserts and off we go.
Cottonbabies is selling seconds on their Flip covers right now.