
boy shot on halloween.

Sorry if this has already been discussed.  I just read it.  How terribly sad for the family.  I cannot even imagine.

Christmas 2009 image

Re: boy shot on halloween.

  • #6#6 member

    That is so sad.  :(  We only go to houses we know the people living there.  We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone somehow so its not that hard.  I know not everyone can do this though. 

    So sad.  His family will be in my prayers.  I couldnt imagine, the hardest part was that they were right there with him.  :( 

  • Unbelievably sad. Wow.
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  • I had just read that and called my B/SIL (we went out with them last night).

    My BIL (cop) said that is precisely why he had his "piece" with him last night.  I'm just sick to my stomach over's sad and very unfortunate.

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