Double points if I can buy it locally- I have a thing against paying shipping fees and DH gets stabby about it. I have a bunch of everyday minerals eyeshadows and blushes but I could never really figure out how to purchase skin stuff like everyday tinted moisturizer without seeing it. I am so bad at figuring out my skin tones . Maybe there is a company that has reps like an organic Mary Kay?
. I Especially need to find a good skincare line. I looked up the Avalon Organics that I have been buying at the health food store and it didn't score quite as well as I thought it would on EWG
Re: Cosmetics
Multiple ectopics, 2 failed IVF's
IVF #1: Did not get to ET, embies all failed PGD (major chromosomal defects)
IVF #2: We have 2 chromosomally perfect embies as a result of PGD (Boy/Girl) 1 failed the thaw (Girl) Transferred 1, yet ended as a c/p
Thought it was the end of our TTC Journey 6/20/2012
SHOCK BFP 9/28/2012: IT'S A BOY! and everything is normal !!!!!!
Little A born 38w 2d on 05/23/13 and is a true miracle for this IF Vet!