This may be a stupid question, but once you are done having kids and have had the same partner for 15+ years, is there still a point in seeing the gyn annually? Or can you just skip the pap smear? Of course a mamogram is in the future, but is it really still necessary to have the gyn check things down there every year?
Re: Annual Gyn visits?
If not doing a pap, what is the "physical"? My regular doc does annual blood work and checks my blood pressure & weight.
If my sister had waited three years after her normal pap, which was the last of years and years of normal paps, she'd probably be dead.
She had a normal pap, and then a year later had such a bad one she had to have surgery (more agressive than the usual treatment). If she hadn't wanted to get pregnant they probably would have been even more agressive.
This is what my OBGYN reccommended at my last visit too.
Your dr. can answer that question for your individual situation. I think if you've ever had an abnormal pap or have a history of certain cancers you'd want an annual exam.
I have the Mirena IUD that needs to be checked annually, and I do whatever procedures the dr. rec's.