Today I went to see my parents about an hour away. My brother and his wife and two kids (4 and 10 months) were visiting from Chicago-- very rare. It's only the second time he's been to Maine (1st time was my wedding 2 years ago).
Anyhow, my sister's son-- who is autistic and has a delightfully different perspective on the world-- comes bursting in to the living room where I'm playing with my 10 month old nephew and asks "Who is the name of this baby? Is he your baby?"
It was all I could do not to burst into tears. To have this happen today of all days.
So I had a nice chat with my body on the ride home tonight-- after taking every opportunity to hold my nephew's little body up against my tummy the rest of the visit...
Re: From the mouths of babes...
I can totally relate. I was babysitting my boss's daughter (age 7), and she asked me if I had any babies. I told her I didn't. She asked why not, and then told me that she thought I should be a mommy.
Then we watched that Rapunzel Disney movie and I realized that a lot of children's books/movies include a crazy barren woman as the bad guy.
It would be awesome to read a retelling of one of those cherished fairy tales from the point of view of the crazy barren woman.
I hope your body listens to your chat. I can't imagine how difficult that was, and make sure that little one rubs your belly!!!! Before I got pregnant with LO, I went to a friend's baby shower in San Diego and she was patting my belly, passing on the baby luck.
Enjoy their visit and cheers to the possibility of a January baby!