
Joining the bed-rest crew least temporarily.

At MFM appointment today, Twin B was measuring between 1 & 2 weeks behind (average of 1.5 weeks behind) Twin A, who was measuring exactly 16 weeks consistently.  

After double-checking all the ultrasound pictures, taking some new ones, and confirming measurements, the MFM contacted the TTTS specialist in our area. At this point, I have TTTS stage 1 or 2. The TTTS specialist has specific criteria (18 weeks along, and specific size differences--TTTS stage 3 or 4) before he will review the case in person and determine if we need to move towards corrective surgery. 

I'm on "couch-potato" bed-rest (can sit upright, shower, use bathroom, but no cooking/cleaning/laundry/walking around) until we reassess with MFM on Monday. MFM said she would likely be extending this through the pregnancy.  

Would love to hear some TTTS success stories, if anyone has any to share :) 

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Re: Joining the bed-rest crew

  • Not TTS but on bed rest due to ptl.  You're in my thoughts and prayers!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • Hmmm...Do you know what specialist your MFM is contacting??  I know that typically 18 weeks is the magic marker to do the surgery.  However, I question the fact that the specialist will not do anything until they progress to stage 3 or 4.  We were at 22 weeks exactly when we were diagnosed.  Up until even 36 hours before everything was fine.  On the day it was discovered, my donor was "stuck" and the recp's fluid level was at over 10cm.  The recp's heart was already showing signs of thickening arteries and my donors stomach, kidney's, and bladder were not visable on the sono.  We were at stage II.  That very same day, we were on our way to Houston and had the laser procedure the next morning.

    I'm at almost 29 weeks and both boys are doing good, for the most part.  They are small, which is a huge concern, but that is the major thing were watching, at this point.  My advice would be 1) start eating/drinking a ton of protein (175 grams a day).  I started drinking 3 high protein boost shakes a day when I got home from Houston.  I shudder to think how little my babies would be had I not started doing that.  2)  Drink tons of water...I drink 128 oz easlily every day. 3)  Get educated.  I would go the TTTS foundation web site to get your information.  You can email them and I'm sure that Mary will respond.  OR, you can get on FB and search for twin to twin and email them there.  I would explain your situation and seek guidence from them, as well.

    Do you recall what the fluid pockets were like your babies?  Where the organs visable on each baby?  When do you go back to the doctor?  I would be happy to chat with you, if you want to PM me.  Hang in there sister.  You and your LO's will make it through this :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I have no ttts experience, but wanted to wih you the best! It's only been a week for me on bed rest but it's easier knowing its or the best.
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    Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • imageadacopeach:

    Hmmm...Do you know what specialist your MFM is contacting?? 

    Do you recall what the fluid pockets were like your babies?  Where the organs visable on each baby?  When do you go back to the doctor?  I would be happy to chat with you, if you want to PM me.  Hang in there sister.  You and your LO's will make it through this :)

    I live in a suburb of Houston, so we would be seeing one of the two doctors here through the University of Texas. I think the MFM was talking with Dr. Johnson, I think? There are a few things that are a bit of a blur when it comes to this morning.

    I see the MFM again on Monday for review. She said that the specialist was looking for a couple specifics--one of which being the pockets, the other beingn 18 weeks along--he wanted a 2 - 8 ratio (??). Baby A was just over 5, Baby B was right at 2, so not 'bad' enough yet, I guess? 

    They could see brain, stomach, heart, bladder for both--but bladder was a little harder to see in B. They did development measurements of brain, femur, and arm. I may be taking you up on the PM chat--I just don't know where to start right now. 

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  • We went with the Texas Fetal Center in Houston Dr. Belfort and Dr. Haeri and they were AMAZING!  However, I've heard that Dr. Johnson is terrific too.  It does sound like you're in a good spot with organs and fluid levels.  I would start to weight yourself every morning, if don't already.  If you notice a large weight gain 6-8 lbs basically overnight, I would call your MFM right away.  Another thing to look out for is if you're stomach starts to really hurt like its stretching and really, really tight,along with contractions, call your OB/MFM.  I had all 3 of those symptons during the 36 hours before the TTTS was diagnosed.  At the time, I had no idea what was going on.  I just thought it was part of pregnancy.  You're so lucky that a) they caught it this early b) you're already close to Houston.  Please keep us posted, take it easy, and drink your Boost :)
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