Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn oxygen levels dropping?

Our son was born yesterday and was doing great.  While he was in the nursery last night, his oxygen levels dropped three times.  He is in the NICU for monitoring.  As of now, they have ruled out infection.  The next step is to check and see if it is acid reflux.  

 Has anyone dealt with this before?  If so, what was the outcome?  Thanks! 

It took over four years to be diagnosed with PCOS. We TTC #1 for 18 months, did 5 rounds of Clomid and finally moved onto IVF...which worked! Throughout our IF journey, we suffered 3 miscarriages. We conceived both DD and DS without treatment.
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Re: Newborn oxygen levels dropping?

  • DD#2 was born fine; scored 9 on her apgars. About six hours after she was born a nurse noticed she was breathing hard and took her back to the nursery; turns out her O2 stats were only 60%. She was transferred to the local NICU where they ended up having to intubate her and put her on a respirator. They did cultures but they never grew anything. She ended up being in the NICU for 10 days and all they ever told us was that she had sepsis and pulmonary hypertension. She is completely fine now; but it was a scary time. Hope everything goes well for you guys!
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  • Both of our girls ended up in the NICU for that. They spent 9 days there for monitoring and did great there and are doing wonderfully at home. We were freaked out at first but our NICU experience was great. The staff was wonderful and answered all of our dumb first time parent questions with the utmost patience. The nurses were a great breastfeeding resource and they had a lactation consultant come down every day to work with us. Since they were just there for monitoring they had no IV's or feeding tubes. Our hospital required 7 consecutive days with no incidents so after day 2 it was really uneventful. 

    Good luck! 

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