hi ladies! i am not hear officially... only just over 4 weeks, so don't know how many are in there, but am concerned about my betas:
beta #1 (13dpo) 464
beta #2 (18dpo) 3727
i know there is no way to know for sure until you have an ultrasound, but it seems like there is a correlation bw multiples and beta numbers. anyone remember theirs?? and if so, would u mind sharing? thank you!
Re: betas?
Up in the Q&A you'll find a whole post on this. Betas aren't usually indicative but, you got some hight betas girl! congrats!
Mine was 118 at 14dpiui. GL!
I had crazy high betas but they were with my singleton too so I didn't suspect twins......I should have though! Found out at our 6 week u/s!
Betas were 455 (13 dpo) and 2700 (16 dpo). What really was a better indicator was my progesterone levels though! Did you have yours tested?
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017