
Home study paperwork

I was wondering if anyone else was completely overwhelmed by their home study packet.  Did you try and tackle everything at once or one thing at a time?


Re: Home study paperwork

  • At every step we've had it's felt like there was more paperwork than time in the world to do it! Personally I went through and filled out a question here, a question there from different pages and eventually got it all finished. My husband, on the other hand, had to do one piece at a time so he didn't have to look at the huge mass that remained to be done. I think either way works, and EVENTUALLY it'll all be done. Once you start really getting into it you'll find that a lot is actually very simple things. Good luck! And remember a lot of what you have to do is probably writing honest answers about yourself, so it's more soul-searching at times than "paperwork." HTH.
    ~Julie image Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
  • I sat down and typed up each answer on the computer. That way I could do a quick initial reaction to it and then go back a day or so later and revise it. It really didn't take me that long. Once I was happy with my answers I copied them on to the sheet they gave us. My husband on the other hand just sat down one day and answered every question without revision.

    Mommy to DS#1 7/1/04 and DS#2 6/15/07
    M/C 2/16/10 at 9wks 5 days~ D&C 2/18/10
    BFP#4 5/17/11 C/P.    
    BFP#5 11/30/12 Surprise! DS#3 born 7/29/13

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  • Thanks, my husband and I are planning to sit down tonight and decide what to tackle first.  I am also worried that something will disqualify us, I'm a worry wart.  I know when we get done it will be great :)
  • We sat down and filled out everything we could without having to get help from someone (fire inspector, background check agency, etc.) else in one night.  We worked on our profile book at the same time as the homestudy paperwork and we found that a lot of the information we needed to share overlapped, which made it easier to keep biting off more of those long writing sections.  

    Then we pieced off the parts that needed external assistance.  I made a list of the order we needed to do them in and we just drilled through it day by day.  

    I tried to always just stay focused on the next step as we saw it, even though it seemed like more steps always cropped up.  

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  • We were rushed, because we wanted to get into a training day that was just a few weeks away.  We had to have our paperwork completed by that point though, and the next training wasn't until almost 3 months later.  So we plugged away and finished the entire thing in a week.  We must've done okay, because they approved us with no issues!  :)
    After tttc and miscarriage, we are moving on to adoption! Home study approved and officially waiting since 2/12. Matched! Baby Boy due November 27th! Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers
  • I spent 30-40 minutes a day doing paperwork and got it done in about 2 weeks, which the agency said was fast. Don't stress too much, most agencies will work with you on any issues that they see. 

    Congratulations on getting started!!!! 

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