I was afraid this would happen. I don't know if they were just telling me what I wanted to hear in the beginning or what. But last week the doctor I saw wouldn't drop the subject of a repeat c section. The appointment was on my due date. I mean really??? Then today I went in for an NST, ultra sound, and doctor appointment. Everything was great with the NST and ultra sound. The doctor checks me and says that I'm still not dilated. Then says, I quote, "Are you ready to give up the dream yet?" Are you kidding me??? Did she really just say that? Ugh! I just told her nope. I think the next time one of them is negative about it I'm going to ask them why they said they are supportive of VBACs if they really aren't. Because I would have happily gone some where else that actually is supportive. Thats why I asked in the first place. So I wouldn't be dealing with this crap!
Re: Doctor vent
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
I'm sorry, ugh. I hate hearing these stories (and unfortunately, they seem pretty common). Asking them about it is a great idea--why did you tell me all along that you supported my VBAC wishes, and now think I should have a c/s? Has something changed?
And hey, you can always threaten to call the ACLU!