Cloth Diapering

what kind of bumgenius

A FTM mom here that is looking to start buying my CD supply. Do you prefer snap or hook and loops of the BumGenius?

Re: what kind of bumgenius

  • I like the ease of the Aplix, but now that my son has figured it out, I'm very glad that 90% of my stash is snaps.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Love the ease of velcro, but all my dipes with snaps have worn much better than the aplix ones. Depends on what you are going for. You can always do some of each to try and see what works- like previous poster said, what works best now, won't be the best later you will realize!
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  • Snaps.  The aplix doesn't last forever.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm doing aplix for my newborn prefold covers, but the rest of my one size stash is snaps.

    Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age


    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

    IUI#3 BFP, DD 5/31/2012


    TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel

    IUI#2 BFP!


  • Snaps.

    Velcro is nice because it's easy to use, especially for people who are not used to cloth diapers (dad, grandma, daycare) but it wears over time, get unsticky, gets gross looking, is more of a hassle in the wash and once baby is old enough, they can take it off. 

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I like the velcro for daycare b/c they are more like sposies but I perfer the snaps.  My stash is a mix of all the BG products and I really dont have a favorite. 


  • I am only 3 months in. I used the newborn bumgenius with aplix for a month before moving to one size and the aplix looks pretty bad already. Also I hated, hated, hated having to remember to secure the laundry tabs. I would forget and the apliux would snag other parts of the diapers. I like the one sizes with snaps but we're only 3 months in.
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  • For babies, I loved the ease of applix but for toddlers, I love snaps. The Velcro isn't going to last through our 3rd child so I'll need to replace it and my boys were able to take their diapers off once they figured out how to pull the Velcro. However, I didn't feel like the snaps gave a tight enough fit for the infant stage with my skinny legged kids.
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