We dressed the girls up (Lily was a mouse and Abby was the cheese) and took them around the neighborhood. One of my friends came over to walk with us and our neighbor and her 1 1/2 yr old son joined us too. I don't think most people got the mouse + cheese concept, but they were still cute.
We ended up each carrying a girl, because they were NOT in the mood for the stroller. Lily passed out asleep within 10 minutes and Abby before we got home. I need to post pics - I colored Lily's nose and gave her whiskers. Sooooo cute!
Once we got back, we only got about 10 trick or treaters. We never get many.
Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008 Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
Happy Halloween! We also only get about 10 kids, well it was actually 11and the funny thing is this is our 3rd Halloween in our house and we've had the same 11 kids each year. I give out a bag full of candy to each kid hoping to get a bigger turn out but it's not likely because of where we live. Definitely very diffferent than growing up trick-or-treating in a 40 story apartment building. I was hoping the girls would enjoy helping hand out the candy bags but they got scared whent they saw the kids that came to the door dressed up and started screaming. Our local MOMs group has a Halloween party tomorrow so hopefully they will enjoy that better.
We put our girls into their flower costumes with no fussing (surprise, surprise) then we put them in the stroller with no fussing (surprise, surprise) THEN they actually were great as we pushed them around (surprise, surprise!!) Olivia fell asleep and Abby was just hanging out. When we returned home, we had maybe 10 kids come to the door. We have a lot of candy left over :-)
Ours was good, but very busy. We fed them dinner, put them in their costums, went to a few house to trick or treat, then i had to leave to go to work. I was happy that the weather was nice so we could actually go out. Most years it seems like it is really cold or rainy.
Happy Halloween! We put B & K in their costumes (pics in my blog) and met up with a few of our neighbors. Then we handed out candy, but the flow was really slow this year (we have a box of candy left over . . . NOT great for my "diet"). Kendyll had a minor meltdown at one point and we ended up putting them both to bed early. Too much excitement.
We had a good one! Their costumes didn't make it on time (Nemo and Squirt) so they wore back up costumes (pumpkins).
They came into my work around 2:30 and we took them trick or treating. Then we came home and answered the door. Back home once it was dark the trick or treating was done. Here it is just getting started!
We have had a bunch and are almost out of candy. We turned off the lights once we put the babies down.
We dressed the girls up and took them to the ILs house. We had to leave after an hour because I forgot to take diapers, lol. Then again, it was their first trip out of the house since their first ped appointment. We didn't have any trick-or-treaters, and really didn't see many kids out. So sad I used to LOVE Halloween.
We are actually going to a Halloween party tomorrow (silly, right?) so we didn't go out tonight. I figure the longer I can keep ToTing a secret from my 2 year old the better ("You mean they just give you candy, mama?!?")
We put the babies down around 7 - nobody had come by before then. I put out a sign so people didn't knock because my dogs will go nuts and just left a bowl of candy out. Well, my candy is all gone and so is my bowl. I knew it would happen that way, but wanted to try to be nice. Thanks neighbors. Happy freaking Halloween.
Mine was so good! We met our triplet friends for trick-or-treating (minus the candy of course) then walked around getting tons of compliments and "awwwws". There was a picture-taking spot set up with hay and pumpkins, and I actually got a photo of all 3 babies together, in their costumes. They usually have to be strapped in somwehre to get a picture of all 3. We were out late, but the kids stayed happy and sweet all evening. I LOVE Halloween.
I actually dressed mine up in the a.m. & took some pictures! G'ma & G'pa came over & the kids played in their costumes for a couple of hours. They wore H'ween T-shirts for the ToTers at night, but once they saw kids dressed up, they begged to put their costumes back on! ?Ds wanted to go outside & follow the other kids every time we answered the door...it was rather heartbreaking. ?We just moved into our house less than 2 weeks ago, so it was nice to meet some of the neighbors!
This was my second week off work, but I went into school for my class Halloween party this afternoon. It is always so much fun seeing all the kids in their costumes, they have been planning them out since before the school year even began. DH is working tonight, busy night for the police dept and wont be home until 4 am. I stayed home and passed out candy to the kiddos. Some of them were so cute and some of the older kids just made me mad since they walk around all snotty, no costume and want candy. I probably had about 30 kids come to the house, same as last year.
It was fun! We made costume for our girls yesterday, so we put them into them and took some pictures. We only had one group of people come by with 4 kids... we have too much candy left over, and it is BAD for us!!! (trying to loose baby weight here!!!)
The girls made it to their first-ever Halloween party at DH's office. I'm still recovering from viral meningitis after a week in the hospital, so I wasn't able to go. I only cried a little bit that I missed the experience. I did give 2 twin trick-or-treaters 3/4 of a bag of candy. And, now we're watching Daily Show and eating cupcakes. I can't wait for future Halloweens. I really enjoy the day.
Pretty good, had one trick or treater, took my daughter trick or treating, and then dressed the boys up and made quick trip to my Mom's house and my grandfathers so they could see them. They were adorable lol. Little My First Halloween Pumpkin costumes.
I was really looking forward to just being home and handing out candy because this is the first Halloween in a long time where I've lived in a neighborhood that has trick-or-treaters and I love giving out candy. So that's what we did and it was fun. We had about 2 dozen, give or take. I bought WAY too much candy. We didn't bother to dress up the twins this year.
Re: So....how was your Halloween?
We dressed the girls up (Lily was a mouse and Abby was the cheese) and took them around the neighborhood. One of my friends came over to walk with us and our neighbor and her 1 1/2 yr old son joined us too. I don't think most people got the mouse + cheese concept, but they were still cute.
We ended up each carrying a girl, because they were NOT in the mood for the stroller. Lily passed out asleep within 10 minutes and Abby before we got home. I need to post pics - I colored Lily's nose and gave her whiskers. Sooooo cute!
Once we got back, we only got about 10 trick or treaters. We never get many.
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
We had a good one! Their costumes didn't make it on time (Nemo and Squirt) so they wore back up costumes (pumpkins).
They came into my work around 2:30 and we took them trick or treating. Then we came home and answered the door. Back home once it was dark the trick or treating was done. Here it is just getting started!
We have had a bunch and are almost out of candy. We turned off the lights once we put the babies down.
This was my second week off work, but I went into school for my class Halloween party this afternoon. It is always so much fun seeing all the kids in their costumes, they have been planning them out since before the school year even began. DH is working tonight, busy night for the police dept and wont be home until 4 am. I stayed home and passed out candy to the kiddos. Some of them were so cute and some of the older kids just made me mad since they walk around all snotty, no costume and want candy. I probably had about 30 kids come to the house, same as last year.
ooohhhh...is everything OK with the boys? I love reading your blog and seeing their amazing progress! Hope everything is allright.