Baby Names

Baby Girl Name Help!

DH and I were set on a name for our girl that is to arrive this June, but have recently been having some second thoughts due to some negative reactions we are having to our name choice.  Please help us choose because we are going through baby name books and getting totally overwhelmed. 

If it helps, our DS is named David Killian, we are very Irish, and our last name is 3 syllables, starts with Mc and ends with a Y.  TYIA! [Poll]
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Re: Baby Girl Name Help!

  • imagemj.reilly:

    I love Bronwen (feminine). Bronwyn is masculine and just looks weird. The ending -wyn is masculine in Welsh, just an FYI if you choose to use this Welsh name.

    Strongly dislike Rory on a girl, way too masculine. I cannot stand boy names on girls.

    LOVE Beatrice! This got my vote. I just don't think this name is very pretty, Americanized spelling or traditional. I am just not a fan. Do you live in an area that is very Irish?

    We aren't living in Ireland, we both just come from very Irish families and really wanted to use an Irish name...if we could find something that we both agreed on.  Rory and Sheilagh were the only 2 real contenders.  

    Thanks for the input on Bronwyn vs. Bronwen - I didn't know that about "wyn" being masculine in Welsh.  That will definitely impact our decision, or at least the spelling if that is the name we choose. :)

    BTW - DH wants to hug you for loving Beatrice.  That is his number 1 choice.

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  • Beatrice is my choice too!  Your DH and my DH have similar taste.  ;-)
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  • What about Keira, Rowan, Maeve, Shea, Teagan, Molly, etc.?  Beatrice is probably my choice, but most of them just aren't my style.  
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  • imagecswatch:
    What about Keira, Rowan, Maeve, Shea, Teagan, Molly, etc.?  Beatrice is probably my choice, but most of them just aren't my style.  

    Rowan and Maeve are cute - Rowan was actually on our list - but 2 friends of ours just had 2 little girls and used those names.  DH has a young cousin named Molly.  Shea and Teagan aren't our style. 

    Thank you for the input!

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  • Love Bronwyn.

    My family is Welsh, too, and Gwendolyn is our girls name.  

    Not in TX any more! - Central PA
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  • I like Beatrice a lot. 
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  • LOVE Rory.

    TTC since June 2010.
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