Baby Names

Middle Names

Anyone find them useless? 

I really want a MN for my LO and my DH does not- he thinks they are useless. I have one, and I admit, I never use it.

Anyone not giving a MN for baby? 


Re: Middle Names

  • I think a middle name is very useful.  I actually go by it at work because there is another with the same, uncommon first name.  I love my middle name and sign everything with my middle initial.  They're also useful for documentation.  My mom went to high school with a girl who had the same first and last name.  I work in a dictir's office and we have several sets of patients with the same first and last name and the same date of birth, that middle initial is handy!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I love middle names. I have 2 so i hate 2, but otherwise, i really think they are useful. :)
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
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