Just a quick request to find out if any MoMs have a preference for the Bumbo or Bebepod infant seat. What do love about them? I have two bouncy seats which are great but my boys rarely are in their bouncy seats at the same time, this makes me pose the question - Do I need one Bumbo/Bebepod or do I need two?
Re: Bumbo or Bebepod- Do I need 2?
We have two Bumbos, but then again, I have two of everything! I'm kinda of a baby clothes/equipment junkie! Seriously though, I did use them at the same time, but I tend to put them in the same thing, at the same time, whether it's the swing, exersaucer, etc... I used to put a Bumbo on each side of one of those activity tables, and put the babies facing each other. So it was like they were sitting at a table. They loved to play like that and it would keep them busy for awhile.
Like PP said, they didn't use them very long. But...if I have another baby, I would buy one again.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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