
Fetal Echocardiogram- did you have one?

Hi! So a little background, I'm having mo/di twins and I get growth scans every 2 weeks. Today I had to follow up u/s from my a/s scan 2 weeks ago because the girls were too active/small to get all the shots they needed. Everything looked great today! Both girls were measuring 10 oz and the tech even commented how clearly we could see Baby B's 4 heart chambers. I left happy and ready to enjoy this beautiful spring weather we're having in NYC. 

When I got home there was a message on the answering machine from the ultrasound technician starting with "everything is ok... just wondering if you have ever had a fetal echocardiogram? Just give the front desk a call back and leave a message saying yes or no- thanks!" So I called back, left a message saying no I have not had one and went on with my day. For whatever reason I didn't really get stressed or worried about the inquiry. But of course I just looked it up and it doesn't seem to be a routine scan that everyone gets. So now I'm feeling a little uneasy and uncertain. I'm wondering- did you have one done? Is this something more routine with twins? Should I be worried that she saw something irregular with one of their hearts? 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!  

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Re: Fetal Echocardiogram- did you have one?

  • I had one on mine. They did it cause when I has my A/S they were to small and all that to see the hearts as well. Went in for a routine u/s and just took a bit longer so could see more. 
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  • We did last week. The reason for ours was because I had a brother who passed away from a congenital heart defect called coarctation of the aorta. It was 27 years ago and now most babies turn spout fine who have it. They have just kept an eye on it the whole time. Everything has looked good so far with their hearts.
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  • I had one for congenital heart issues and A ended up having a focus on his heart (that we haven't really seen since).


    It's pretty neat to see the hearts in that much detail! 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had one last week.  The MFM told me that he has all his IVF patients do it because IVF seems to produce a slightly higher risk of heart issues.  They both looked great though, luckily!
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  • I had one close to 23 weeks and MFM just said it was standard.  No one indicated it was for a specific reason.  The cardiologist will also be going to the hospital once the babies are born to see them and again didn't have any indication it was anything other than standard. 

    I'm sure everything is ok but GL :)


  • I had one at 23 weeks. My OB said it was standard practice for a multiple pregnancy. He said that twins were more prone to heart defects so they do it just to monitor how things are developing. The Fetal Echo gives them a better picture of the hearts. It's kind of like a doppler if you will. I'm sure there is no need for you to worry. I did the same thing until they told me it was routine. Good Luck and no worries Smile
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  • I had one because they heard an irregular heat beat in Amelia - which ended up resolving on it's own before she was born.
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  • I never had one with the girls.  I may have one this time b/c of a couple issues both the girls have.  I have to talk to their pedi cardiologist when we see him in May and see what he thinks.
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  • We only had an eco on our mo/di boys after a terrible MFM appointment where they presented with stage II TTTS.  They sent us immediately over to do the eco to see if the TTTS had start affecting their hearts.  Surely, if there was concern then they would have mentioned that in your appointment.  Did you get to see the doctor or did you just visit with the sono tech?  I would just call them tomorrrow to give  you peace of mind and ask why they asked if you had an eco.  Best of luck!

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  • With identical twins, they often do fetal echos to see if there are any signs of TTTS.  My girls had two.  There were never any concerns about their hearts, it was just to be safe and have an experienced cardiologist take a peek.
  • did ypu have IVF? my MFM does it on all IVF patients even singletons
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  • thank you for sharing your experiences! this definitely makes me feel a little better. I agree- if they thought there was a problem, especially any indication of TTTS, I would hope the MFM would contact me. I did not have IVF and so far no signs of ttts. But of course thats my biggest fear! And there was a labor and delivery MD in the room during the u/s, she was there because she wanted to watch a mo/di twins ultrasound. So again- I would hope if she saw something she would have said something or gotten the MFM.

    Looking forward and trying not to stress myself out!

    Thanks again everyone! 


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  • I had pre-existing Type 1 Diabetes and I'm having twins, so my OB has told us from the beginning that we will be getting an echo around 22-24 weeks, just to be prepared in case we need a specialist there for the delivery.  We'll be getting ours done soon, but my MFM told us at our last appointment that he doesn't expect to find anything based on our 17 week ultrasound, but better safe than sorry. Just try not to stress out and know that they're doing it to make sure they are as prepared as possible for your little ones to come into the world!
  • imagelunatwo:
    I had one last week.  The MFM told me that he has all his IVF patients do it because IVF seems to produce a slightly higher risk of heart issues.  They both looked great though, luckily!


    Ditto- OB just told me this week that I should get one b/c there was study done that said IVF babies have a higher risk of heart abnormalities.

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  • We had one on our twins at 22 weeks, I was told it is totally routine and nothing to worry about.  We have had no problems they just like to make sure that if there is anything they need to watch carefully that they see it with plenty of time to spare.  It was no big deal, it was just a regular growth scan ultrasound with more time spent on their hearts.  Nothing to worry about. :)  Which of course is hard but ours was just routine.
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  • imagelunatwo:
    I had one last week.  The MFM told me that he has all his IVF patients do it because IVF seems to produce a slightly higher risk of heart issues.  They both looked great though, luckily!

    Ditto this exactly.  Both babies looked great but it was a good experience because the doctor went into tons of detail that we appreciated


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    And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.

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