Baby Names

Opinions/Suggestions for Boys Names Please

So boyfriend and I are having a hard time nailing down a name for our baby. At our first ultrasounds they were absolutely confident that this baby was a girl, so we have our perfect girls name down. At 31 weeks, they wound up discovering 'outdoor plumbing'. And although I am thrilled to be having a baby boy, we have zero names picked out. I'm almost 35 weeks now, so baby will be here soon, and the only name we have really agreed on so far is Kynan (or Kainan). But I want to make sure it's THE name. Opinions on our joint list so far please? TIA










Any other additions or suggestions are welcome :)

Re: Opinions/Suggestions for Boys Names Please

  • So Kainan and Kynan, are spelled like 2 different words. Kainan would sound like Canaan or Cainan, a biblical name pronounced as KAY- nan. Kainan is the Greek spelling and is ok. Kynan would be pronounce as K eye nan, and is not really a name, as far as my research tells me.

    Cale is ok, but Kale is a leafy green. If you aren't a family who gets lots of leafy greens, it shouldn't be an issue.

    Xander offends my sensibilities. Just name him Alexander.

    Vincent is good. I like Vincent a lot.

    Bennet I'm not in love with. It sounds pretentious to me, maybe because it is a surname. All surnames as first names sound pretentious to me.

    I like Gabriel. Very good choice.

    Felix is also nice.

    Kai is good. I like Kai. 

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  • You might also like Malachi or Micah. 
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  • Kainan/Kynan NMS sorry,

    Cale NMS

    Cole Like

    Xander LOVE DS #1's name

    Vincent NMS

    Bennet Like

    Gabriel Like

    Felix NMS

    Kai OK


    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • imageSarahPLiz:

    So Kainan and Kynan, are spelled like 2 different words. Kainan would sound like Canaan or Cainan, a biblical name pronounced as KAY- nan. Kainan is the Greek spelling and is ok. Kynan would be pronounce as K eye nan, and is not really a name, as far as my research tells me.

    Cale is ok, but Kale is a leafy green. If you aren't a family who gets lots of leafy greens, it shouldn't be an issue.

    Xander offends my sensibilities. Just name him Alexander.

    Vincent is good. I like Vincent a lot.

    Bennet I'm not in love with. It sounds pretentious to me, maybe because it is a surname. All surnames as first names sound pretentious to me.

    I like Gabriel. Very good choice.

    Felix is also nice.

    Kai is good. I like Kai. 

    I agree with all of this. 

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  • I really like Cainan, Cole, Gabriel, and prefer Benjamin over Bennett unless its a family name. Vincent is nice. Felix I don't like...I always think the cat. I'm not a fan of Cape, but its fine. I really really dislike Kai...I always think its a trying too hard name.

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  • 1. Gabriel 

    2. Bennet

    3. Cale 


  • Kainan/Kynan - terrible, made-up sounding

    Cale - like the cabbage?

    Cole - like this one

    Xander - nms, but at least it's a real name

    Vincent - good, classic name (though nms)

    Bennett - surname, and I don't like the surname as first name trend

    Gabriel - good name

    Felix - I like this one

    Kai - I know it's a legit name, I just hate it 


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  • I like Canaan, Cole, Vincent (nn Vinny) and Kai.

    What about Kane?

    My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)
  • I love Bennett and Xander.
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  • I like Felix best. Gabriel and Cale are nice. Cole is ok. I prefer Alexander over Xander. Vincent is ok. Not a fan of Kai or Bennet.

    Honestly, I think Kainan/Kynan are terrible and seem like trendy misspellings.

    I really would avoid these. I'm sorry, I know they're your top choices, but they aren't good...

    Go with Felix or Gabriel, Cale, Cole... even any of the others are better than your top choice...

    Some other suggestions:

    Niles, Hamish, Landon, Garrett, Tiernan, Cameron, Porter, Bryce, Caleb, Damien, Duncan, Cooper, Eli, Ian, Leo, Malakai


  • I like-

    Cole, Xander, Gabriel, Kai

    Oct Angel Babies Lilypie Maternity tickers BFP #1- 12/7/11 M/C-12/20/11 BFP #2- 2/14/12 EDD- 10/3/12
  • I really like Cole and Bennett
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