Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

MTX check-in

Just wanted to check in with all the other MTX ladies. How's it going? How are you doing? Any updates?

I got the results from my beta today. It was 4500 last week before the MTX, and it was 1300 today! I was totally shocked, and I am so, so relieved. Not only does this mean it doesn't look like I need another shot, but it also means we can go on our trip to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur over Easter! I'm not allowed to work out or have sex until my beta is 0 (I didn't see that coming!), and I will need to get my betas checked until then. And we have to TTA for 3 months, which is now only 3 months minus 1 week.

Hope everything is going well for everyone.


TTC #1 since Sept 2011
BFP#1 1/31/12. Empty sac discovered 3/5/12. MTX due to location in uterine horn.
BFP#2 2/27/13. Empty sac confirmed 3/20/13. Mifepristone + cytotec.
Currently TTA until Fall 2013, waiting for operative hysteroscopy
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Re: MTX check-in

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    I'm so glad to read of your results.

    My betas had already dropped considerably by the time they gave me the shot (they were at 520 the day of my D&C and 400 the next morning when they decided I stilled needed the shot. 4 days later they were at 105! and today (day 7) they were at 28. Can't believe it! I am so relieved.

    I am bummed about the no sex, no exercise, and TTA, but it could have been so much worse. Hopefully next week they will be at zero, and I can start taking folic acid and my prenatal again. 

    Married 4/12/08 DS born 11/17/2009 via c-section at 39 weeks. 11/12/2011 BFP #2!! m/c 7w5d. 2/28/2012 BFP #3 Beta #1-12dpo = 18; Beta #2-16dpo = 185; Beta #3-18dpo = 505. EDD 11/10/2012. Ectopic discovered at 5w4d. D&C followed by methotrexate.
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    Glad to hear things are progressing well for both of you.

    I am a bit further out (MTX on 1/9, beta at 0 on 2/20 (actually it was 12, but Dr didn't see the need track any more).  I started taking a multi-vitamin again the week of 2/27.  First AF started on 3/13.  We are hoping to start TTC again in mid-May or early June.  

    Good luck, ladies.   

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    I'm also farther out, MTX on 1/20 and beta was around 450, Feb 16 my beta was to zero. We've been TTA until next month, but shockingly got a BFP just this past Tuesday on 3/20, but it was a c/p and was over before it began. I'm disappointed in everything that's happened in the last 3 months, but so excited we'll finally be TTC again this cycle!

    I hope your betas keep going down! GL!
    Sweet Baby Samson born 11.16.10
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    My next beta is in over a week, but my last one was down 1,000 points from 1600 to the 600s.  Woot!   What a huge relief... Cannot wait to officially put this behind us.  I have a bottle of champagne waiting for that day.  Ironically.  :-/

     My RE has not put any sex restrictions on us.  Wonder why?? 

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    MTX on 3/6 beta was at 983 and shockingly dropped to 81 one week later. Monday was my next weekly draw and levels were 9.9. They want me to do one more on Monday to be sure they have dropped below 5. Still on sex restriction until then. Hoping my first af shows up in a week or two so I can be back to normal.
    BFP #1 2/20/12 - ectopic methotrexate @6w2d on 3/6/12 BFP#2 7/27/12 EDD 4/10/13- It's a boy! imageimagePhotobucketBabyName Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    It seems like everyone is on the right track, that's great!

    Did any of you have significant bleeding after MTX? I bled a little over the weekend (my shot was last thursday), and then it stopped, but I've been having significant bleeding and cramping yesterday and today. I'm not worried, it seems like anything can happen, just wondering if anyone else experienced that.


    TTC #1 since Sept 2011
    BFP#1 1/31/12. Empty sac discovered 3/5/12. MTX due to location in uterine horn.
    BFP#2 2/27/13. Empty sac confirmed 3/20/13. Mifepristone + cytotec.
    Currently TTA until Fall 2013, waiting for operative hysteroscopy
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    It seems like everyone is on the right track, that's great!

    Did any of you have significant bleeding after MTX? I bled a little over the weekend (my shot was last thursday), and then it stopped, but I've been having significant bleeding and cramping yesterday and today. I'm not worried, it seems like anything can happen, just wondering if anyone else experienced that.

     I had a D&C the day after the ectopic was discovered. Had minor spotting after that that lasted about 2 days. Had the MTX the next day and started spotting on Day 4 post-MTX. Light red flow turned to brown by Day 7 and now it is gone. 

    Married 4/12/08 DS born 11/17/2009 via c-section at 39 weeks. 11/12/2011 BFP #2!! m/c 7w5d. 2/28/2012 BFP #3 Beta #1-12dpo = 18; Beta #2-16dpo = 185; Beta #3-18dpo = 505. EDD 11/10/2012. Ectopic discovered at 5w4d. D&C followed by methotrexate.
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    did anyone's doctor suggest an HSG or any other testing to look at tubes. I was at low risk for an ectopic, so now I am concerned that my right tube has an obstruction. My follow-up appt is on April 11.
    Married 4/12/08 DS born 11/17/2009 via c-section at 39 weeks. 11/12/2011 BFP #2!! m/c 7w5d. 2/28/2012 BFP #3 Beta #1-12dpo = 18; Beta #2-16dpo = 185; Beta #3-18dpo = 505. EDD 11/10/2012. Ectopic discovered at 5w4d. D&C followed by methotrexate.
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    Can I join in? I had MTX on 3/20. I have a left ectopic. Lost my right tube in my 20s by just a freak incident where I had a torsion. Never explained. This is my 1st pregnancy after 6.5 yrs of trying. Beta was 1800 before MTX. I felt ok afterward but then last night was doubled over in pain. Went to ER because I'm so scared of losing this tube. But ultrasound looked better. Beta was up to 2500 though :(  I'm sitting here awaiting for another MTX injection now. So ready to put this behind us! Sorry you all have had to go through this too!
    Suzanne T-TTC 3/27/12 Ectopic For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Can I join in? I had MTX on 3/20. I have a left ectopic. Lost my right tube in my 20s by just a freak incident where I had a torsion. Never explained. This is my 1st pregnancy after 6.5 yrs of trying. Beta was 1800 before MTX. I felt ok afterward but then last night was doubled over in pain. Went to ER because I'm so scared of losing this tube. But ultrasound looked better. Beta was up to 2500 though :(  I'm sitting here awaiting for another MTX injection now. So ready to put this behind us! Sorry you all have had to go through this too!

    Absolutely! This isn't a formal check-in or anything, just something I posted after seeing that several other ladies here were going through MTX treatment at the same time. So I just thought I'd see how everyone was doing, and I thought this might be a good place to share thoughts and information.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. From what I understand, it's pretty common to need another shot of MTX. But usually you wait a week from the treatment to assess whether you need it or not, because your beta can go up before it goes down. Are you getting another shot this soon after your first one? Good luck, and I really hope everything works out for you.


    TTC #1 since Sept 2011
    BFP#1 1/31/12. Empty sac discovered 3/5/12. MTX due to location in uterine horn.
    BFP#2 2/27/13. Empty sac confirmed 3/20/13. Mifepristone + cytotec.
    Currently TTA until Fall 2013, waiting for operative hysteroscopy
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    She did go ahead and recommend the 2nd shot today. I think she's just trying to do what she can to preserve the tube just in case. She did tell me the beta could go up before going down.  She does feel like the pain that I'm experiencing is from fluid in the abdomen.  Such an overwhelming experience that's for sure! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But I am grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences. It does help to know you're not alone. 

    Prayers going out for all of you! 

    Suzanne T-TTC 3/27/12 Ectopic For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    She did go ahead and recommend the 2nd shot today. I think she's just trying to do what she can to preserve the tube just in case. She did tell me the beta could go up before going down.  She does feel like the pain that I'm experiencing is from fluid in the abdomen.  Such an overwhelming experience that's for sure! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But I am grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences. It does help to know you're not alone. 

    Prayers going out for all of you! 


    Great! Fingers crossed the double dose does the trick. I hope I didn't come across the wrong way in my first response. In addition to going through this myself, I'm a medial student so I'm just very curious about these things!  


    TTC #1 since Sept 2011
    BFP#1 1/31/12. Empty sac discovered 3/5/12. MTX due to location in uterine horn.
    BFP#2 2/27/13. Empty sac confirmed 3/20/13. Mifepristone + cytotec.
    Currently TTA until Fall 2013, waiting for operative hysteroscopy
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    She did go ahead and recommend the 2nd shot today. I think she's just trying to do what she can to preserve the tube just in case. She did tell me the beta could go up before going down.  She does feel like the pain that I'm experiencing is from fluid in the abdomen.  Such an overwhelming experience that's for sure! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But I am grateful to all of you for sharing your experiences. It does help to know you're not alone. 

    Prayers going out for all of you! 


    Great! Fingers crossed the double dose does the trick. I hope I didn't come across the wrong way in my first response. In addition to going through this myself, I'm a medial student so I'm just very curious about these things!  


    No worries!  I didn't take it that way :)  I am a former L&D nurse but this has just been so foreign to me.  I guess because it's happening to me.  Makes me feel clueless & helpless.   

    Suzanne T-TTC 3/27/12 Ectopic For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Lurker here. I had  7 MTX shots following an ectopic in August. My betas wouldn't drop after I had surgery to excise the ectopic on Aug. 9. I finally had my betas drop to <5 in December. I got AF the next day.

    There was residual trophoblastic tissue in my tube according to my OB and also the RE. We opted out of a 2nd surgery so I wouldn't risk losing the tube as I only have 1 ovary/tube as it is. 

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