Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Back from my follow-up appointment

I had my post-op today, it's been 3 weeks since my D&C.  My OB was out of the office when I would have been at 2 weeks, so I had to wait a little longer.  Physically, everything looks fine and is all back to pre-pregnancy size.  I had a million (okay, 22, but that's still a lot!) of questions to ask, but she was pressed for time, so she scheduled me an appointment in a couple of weeks where we could go over everything, and she even asked me to leave my list of questions with her so she could review before our appointment.  I thought that was pretty nice. With my pre-existing health issues, she reccomended waiting until I at least took off the 12 pounds I gained during/after the pregnancy before trying again, and I'm going to see a couple of specialists to make sure everything is in check for the next time...so, we're on our way, but not quite there yet.  Trying to take it one day at a time and not be so hard on myself!
Cycle 7: BFP 1-17-12, Missed Miscarriage at 8w6d (measured 7w2d, no HB), D&C 2-29-12
Cycle 9: BFP 5-3-12:EDD 1-24-13 It's a girl! Born 12-27-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Back from my follow-up appointment

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    It sounds like you got some resolution from your appointment - that's a good thing!  that was very cool of your doctor to take time to answer your questions and to follow up with you further about the ones that remained.  One day at a time is def the way to go, IMO.
    BFP #1: 10.28.11 - Natural M/C: 12.9.11 @9w3d
    BFP #2: 1.30.12 - missed m/c found on 2.27.12 - D&C 3.1.12 @8w 
    BFP #3: 1.02.13 / EDD 8.31.13 / It's a boy!  - Baby Henry born 8.14.13
    BFP #4: 9.28.14 / EDD 5.27.15 / It's a girl! 


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    I am glad you had a great follow up appointment.  Good appointments make all the difference!
    *BFP 11/3/07*J born 07/06/08*
    *BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
    *BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
    *BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)
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    My doctor was also out after two weeks after my procedure so I had to wait until 3. Didnt that extra week feel like a lifetime? I'm glad to hear that you are healed physically. That was very nice of your doctor to keep your questions and schedule another appointment. I was definitely rushed through my million questions.One day at a time is the way to go. ((hugs))   

    BFP 12/25/11 , 1st U/S @ 8wks diagnosed BO, 2/6/12 D&C,
    2/13/12 Partial Molar Pregnancy diagnosed
    Forced break for two cycles
    TTC June 2012

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    AlbahAlbah member
    Looks like a pretty successful appt! Glad you have a plan in place and that your OB will be giving you time to get all your questions answered! 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
    BFP #3: 01/28/12, EDD: 09/23/12, MMC (BO), D&C 2/16/12 at 6.5 wks
    BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks

    RPL Workup: + LPD (7DPO Prog = 7.8, Endometrial Bx = out of phase)
    Elevated Alpha 2-glycoprotein IgA and antiphosphatidylserine IgM -->
    Hematologist said not to worry and no need for treatment!

    Dx: LPD
    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
    BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
    EDD: 05/23/2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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