Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Exhausted - anyone else?

It's been a week and a day since I miscarried and I am just wiped out.  Last week I wasn't as bad.  Now I'm completely exhausted.  I could barely get out of bed this morning and hit snooze until I absolutely had to get up.


 I remember this after my 1st miscarriage but I was 10 weeks then and had hot flashes, engorgement/milk and the whole kit and kaboodle.  With my last one I do not remember this at all.


Does anyone else just feel physically exhausted?

Re: Exhausted - anyone else?

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    I'm so sorry for your loss.  Yes, I remember following my D&C, it was a whole new level of exhaustion - even more so than being pregnant.  I imagine it's due to the fluctuation in hormones, not to mention the emotional took the whole thing takes on you.  After my M/C, I experienced exhaustion, some acne, mood swings, and headaches.  The exhaustion, acne, and mood swings hit me right away, and the headaches came on about 2 weeks post-M/C.  Everything seems to be tapering off now.  Hope you're feeling better soon!
    Cycle 7: BFP 1-17-12, Missed Miscarriage at 8w6d (measured 7w2d, no HB), D&C 2-29-12
    Cycle 9: BFP 5-3-12:EDD 1-24-13 It's a girl! Born 12-27-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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     My mc left me extremely exhausted but it was because I lost a lot of blood and my blood count got very low. I would get dizzy just sitting in a chair. It took a lot out of me. I took iron supplements for a few weeks and now feel tons better. Maybe you need to add in an iron supplement for a while. Just a thought..... Hope you feel better soon.
    BFP #1 03/2010 EDD 11/18/2010 DD born 11/03/2010 BFP #2 12/02/2011 CP on 12/05/2011 BFP #3 12/28/2011 EDD 09/10/2012 Missed mc @ 9w3d on 02/09/2012 D&C 03/06/2012 BFP #4 04/24/2012 EDD 01/02/2013 CP on 04/29/2012
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    Yes, I sleep all the time. I'm sure it's part physical and part due to feeling depressed.


    I hope you start to feel refreshed soon. 

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    The first 10 days or so were absolutely draining. I still have bad days, but I think it's just hormonal shifts and changes. I hope you feel better soon!
    imagelogan and ruthieLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I am so sorry for your loss. I am sooo TIRED!! My son Jameson is still living but his twin brother Jaxson has passed, it will be a week on Saturday. People think you sleep and cry the whole time. I havent even had time to eat. With everyone calling, trying to pay bills and make sure the house is in order, I feel like I am going on an on. I am tired but cant sleep, my mind is racing.Plus, having a baby in the NICU is hard enough.Good luck with everything, I had to vent!
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