I saw your pp about DD getting her teeth...I looked at my son's calendar and he got his first teeth in his 5th month. But he started rolling over between his 3rd and 4th, so I warned DH last night that Abi could start rolling now to be prepared!
It's kinda fun to see what DS did and at what time his sister will start!
Re: Esther...
It's amazing to me! I didn't realize she could get her teeth so soon. DD is rolling over too. Now if only she would roll back. Sometimes she gets frustrated on her tummy
How's Abby doing otherwise? To me once she got past the 3 month stage, things go so much more fun. You can really see her personality come out and she is learning so many new things.
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Oh, she's coming along great. She's got decent sleeping patterns so I shouldn't complain, but I'm still going to complain a little cause I can always use a nap!
She's starting to smile and be interactive. She just LOVES watching her brother be goofy! And I can typically get her to settle down, but DH is still learning her little tricks so he still gets frustrated.
For me, I'm mastering taking two kids whereever I go. It takes so long to get out the door now adays! And our visits are so short for all the work we do to get out the door!
Hester is that you? I tried to email you a few times and It came back to me.
How is Abi doing now? We also have a new mom's group I was going to add you to but, I didnt know your new email? When you get that to me I will add you to the swpdxmom's group and the new we are creating from our class with Tracy.
Amy and Elizabeth :0) I dont know how to add photos.. on here.