Baby Names


I heard this name the other day and kind of like it, I'm sure no one here will but just thought I would throw it out there. I think its going on my list.
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Re: Creed?

  • Its not my style, but if it works for you go for it! The hell with what others thinks! 

  • Its not my style, but if it works for you go for it! The hell with what others think! 

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  • I don't personally care for it, but if you like it go for it.
  • da731da731 member
    My immediate first and unshakable long-lasting reaction to hearing this name is: "The Office". . . .
  • Makes me think of the band : )  I think it is WAY different than Carter, I think they would sound kind of weird together. 
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  • I like Creed. I wouldn't use it because it seems a bit trendy for my style.  I like more classic names. 

    A friend of mine married a guy named Creed.  His middle name was Ignacious. (pronounced with a long A)

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  • First thought was of the band. So, so bad. And the name is too. :-(

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  • imageda731:
    My immediate first and unshakable long-lasting reaction to hearing this name is: "The Office". . . .

    Me too. 

    It seems an odd pairing with Carter.

    Married 9-4-04

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  • Made me think of the band, and then the Office.


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  • imagequeenbone:

    My immediate first and unshakable long-lasting reaction to hearing this name is: "The Office". . . .

    Me too. 

    It seems an odd pairing with Carter.

    This. I really dislike it. Can't separate it from The Office or the band... I also don't really get it as a name. Creed = a system of belief - usually relgious....

    Not a fan, sorry.

  • imagegracefulruby33:

    First thought was of the band. So, so bad. And the name is too. :-(


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  • Eeek, this is bad

  • Abby7Abby7 member
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  • The Office is the only think that pops into my head... although Creed is a funny character, I dislike the name.

  • This came up once before on here. I  don't like it, but I obviously love Reed.  How about dropping the C?   I think Carter and Reed go really nicely together.
  • Reminds me of the horrendous band and Creed Bratton.
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  • Just.plain.awful.


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  • imagemj.reilly:

    I will admit I actually cringed when I saw this post.

    Yes, I think it is that bad.


    This exactly. 

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  • well i love it! and this will be our 2nd son's name if we have a boy, we're team green. i have never met a Creed IRL, but there was a book that i read and the main character's name was Creed. I totally forgot about the band and i don't watch the office so that character doesn't really matter to me.

    i know it's a different name and it doesn't get great reviews on here, but i could care less. lol.

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  • Creed from The Office is one of my favorite TV characters ever. So for that reason, I kind of like it. I'd never use it myself, but I wouldn't side-eye someone for using it. It seems like one of those names that would make a good middle name. 
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  • I like it but only because the name is a surname on my mother's side of the family. Several cousins/aunts named their sons Creed to continue the name. I think its kinda weird just to use the name if its not your family name since its originally a surname not made up at all

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  • I hate to admit it but it was on my list too. I actually like creedence but the DH vetoed it. 
  • I like it! I say go for it
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