At the end of my 1st trimester I went bra shopping (at victoria's secret) got a size bigger than I usually wear (went from C cup to D) and got a few good deals with their semi-annual sale. Only problem, I've outgrown them already. They're really cute, and they'll be fine for after the baby when things start to go back to normal, but I need some advice on right now bras.
I was flipping through an American Baby magazine and saw an ad for the Coobie bra, saying that they are comfortable, no underwire, and flexible so they can be good for a nursing bra alternative. It basically looks like a girly sports bra with a little padding. I wear a low-impact sports bra to bed, that seems to be very similar to this (and right now that's the only thing I'm comfortable in). On Amazon it has really mixed reviews, some say the support isn't good, others say it's great. I just wanted to see if anyone has tried this bra, if you did what do you think of it? It looks like it would be good to be able to stretch with my growing boobs, and I think I would prefer a style like that over the snapping nursing bras....but I have no idea how well that would work out in reality. I'm a FTM so I really don't know what more to expect as far as boob changes through the second half of my pregnancy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Thoughts on this bra?
I've not tried that bra, but I just bought a Bravado Body Silk bra and I'm in love. It's wireless, will grow with me, is a nursing bra, but includes clips to convert it and my boobs actually look ok in it. It's not cheap, but since it will transition from pregnancy to nursing, I ordered a second.
Sizing info here: