Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Strangest Dream

Let me preface this by saying I am not someone who believes in signs and things like that.

Last night I had the most vivid dream.  I was celebrating the birthday of the baby I just lost.  He was turning one, and we had named him Hudson (I don't know where this name came from, I am not a big fan of this name).  He looked just like my son Jack.  I had been saying that I wanted to name the baby that we lost because i felt like it needed an idenity.  After my dream last night, I have decided to name it Hudson. 

I had been commenting to a friend that I was really doing well, no cyring or anything like that.  I woke up from this dream upset. I hated seeing myself so happy and seeing this big, happy family. This loss has left a hole in my heart, one I know that can never be filled.  I hope that by finally naming the baby, I can finally get some closure and begin to move forward.  We are going to plant a tree in our yard for Hudson in a few weeks. 

There really wasn't a point to this post.  Just wanted to share.  Hope all you ladies have a nice Wednesday!

*BFP 11/3/07*J born 07/06/08*
*BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
*BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
*BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)

Re: Strangest Dream

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    I think planting a tree is a BEAUTIFUL way to honor and remember baby Hudson!

    I was talking to a friend who had a miscarriage and is now pregnant again and she mentioned that she wonders in her mind if this baby is the same as the baby that she lost a few months back just getting a second chance at life? For me, it was comforting. Not sure how it makes you feel, but wanted to pass along none the less.

    Sending you hugs. Hang in there. We're all here for you! 

    BFP #1 3-1-12 EDD 11-11-12 Natural Miscarriage 3-19-12 / BFP #2 6-14-12 EDD 2-24-13 Chemical Pregnancy 6-20-12 / Homozygous a1298c MTHFR / Diagnosed Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos) / BFP #3 8-12-12; EDD 4-25-13 IT'S A GIRL! BabyFetus Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Planting the tree for Hudson is a beautiful idea. I've also had these days of finally thinking and feeling like I was doing better only to have something happen to bring it all back to the surface. I'm not sure if that will ever go away but as time passes I hope it will be fewer and fewer. Hang in there ((hugs)) 
    BFP 12/25/11 , 1st U/S @ 8wks diagnosed BO, 2/6/12 D&C,
    2/13/12 Partial Molar Pregnancy diagnosed
    Forced break for two cycles
    TTC June 2012

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    Wow...talk about a vivid dream!  I don't usually put too much stock into dreams either, but with someting as vivid as yours, it's hard not to sit up and take notice.  I hope this is a good sign that you are continuing to heal emotionally! 
    Cycle 7: BFP 1-17-12, Missed Miscarriage at 8w6d (measured 7w2d, no HB), D&C 2-29-12
    Cycle 9: BFP 5-3-12:EDD 1-24-13 It's a girl! Born 12-27-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Reminds me of a dream I had right after my loss. Sometimes dreams can say a lot and they force you to open your eyes a bit.



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    That is a beautiful dream- I hope you can find closure in naming your LO.
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