ladies i am realizing that since i may not have a baby shower, how am i going to afford to buy cloth diapers. I am in a very unfortunate situation and still want to do the safe thing for baby and do cding. so do you have any suggestions on cheapest brands? or maybe buy on ebay or something? thanks i would really appreciate it. the stress of this is just not even allowing me to think straifght to research this stuff right now.
Re: inexpensive cloth diapers?
I use mostly Kawaii. They're cheap. I will say that the velcro is starting to go after 9 months of use, so if you don't want to worry about that go with snaps.
Or you can buy used. I'm so cheap, I bought my Kawaii used.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Alva is cheap also and they seem to be pretty good diapers. You can't buy them in the stores but I know that you can get them off ebay.
I say try a diaper trial once baby arrives, you can use it and find a bunch of different styles that will go with your baby or more importantly what wont work with LO, and buy used what you like and return what you don't. definitely keep an eye on craigslist and seconds sales at the online companies.
My entire stash is used, purchased from (and a few from Craigslist). On average, I'm paying $10 per diaper.
This ! I love my Sunbabies!!!!