Cloth Diapering

Insufficient Postage ?

I received a diaper in the mail today, and it had an insufficient postage stamp on it, stating it was $0.20 short.  Usually the mailman would knock and collect the money in this case, but he didn't today . . . Should I just put the money in my mailbox for him to collect tomorrow?  It's such a small amount, I don't want to not do something and end up with a bigger fine!
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Re: Insufficient Postage ?

  • Yup, I always just put it in an envelope and stick it in the mailbox.
  • imagepixy_stix:
    Yup, I always just put it in an envelope and stick it in the mailbox.

    Me too.

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  • Just make sure you pay it.  Otherwise the postal worker is responsible for the amount.  $0.20 may not seem like much, but multiply it by any other charges along their route and it can really add up.

    I just put it in an envelope like the PPs. 

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