Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

How long do you have to wait? ....

I was just curious and I am not sure if this is the right spot, however my husband and I just went through a D & C yesterday. I know that I shouldn't be looking to get pg so fast but it feels like looking towards the future helps with the sadness. How long should one wait (medically speaking) before TTC?

Re: How long do you have to wait? ....

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    My doctor told me to wait 2 cycles to let my body regulate and to be aware because the 3 months following a MC you can be "extra" fertile and to take precautions.  However, I just finished reading "Getting Pregnant" and the author, a fertility doctor, said that you can try as soon as you feel comfortable and that medically speaking you don't have to wait and due to your "extra" fertile state that it may be easier and faster to get PG again.  The advice varies, it really just depends on how you feel.  I trust my doctor and am taking her advice and waiting, it just feels like the right thing for me...

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    So sorry for your loss. This is a question that should be directed toward your Dr.

    For me, I was told I wait one full cycle before trying again, but everyone's body is different. Please speak to your Dr.

    Hope you get your answers soon. 

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    I have heard anywhere between 1-3 cycles. My doctor told me to wait two cycles. I think it also depends on how far along you were so I would check with your doctor.

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    My OB also said 1 cycle. I keep going back and forth between wanting to TTC again or wait....Still waiting for AF anyways!
    BFP #1: 12/26/11, EDD 09/05/12; m/c discovered: 02/22/12 @ 12w u/s,
    D&C: 03/08/12 Waited for AF for 146 long days!
    Hysteroscopy/D&C on July 10th to fix blocked cervix (DX: Cervical Stenosis)
    BFP #2 12/8/12, EDD 08/21/13 Our rainbow arrived 08/24/13!

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    My OB also said 1 cycle. I keep going back and forth between wanting to TTC again or wait....Still waiting for AF anyways!

    this exactly!! 

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    I was told I could get pregnant whenever I felt, that there wasn't substantial evidence to prove that waiting makes a difference. 


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    My OB also said 1 cycle. I keep going back and forth between wanting to TTC again or wait....Still waiting for AF anyways!

    this exactly!! 

    Same here :)

    TTC#1 Since 9.09
    Unexplained IF
    IUI#1 + Clomid + Trigger= BFP!! EDD: 8/8/11
    DS#1 Born 8/11/11
    BFP #2 3/1/12 Ended in M/C on 3/17/12 @ 7w
    11/12 IUI#1 + Clomid + Trigger= BFP, EDD: 8/18/13, Beta#1 (45), Beta #2 (265) Beta #3 (2545)
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    My doc said 2 cycles. As much as I don't want to wait...I guess I will.
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