Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Sad to be joining you ladies

It was suggested to me that I come here (thanks kpowers) and after just a few minutes of lurking, i know it's the right place. 

After two blissful weeks, it's over. DH and I went for our first us at 5w2d so they could check out placement etc. They saw nothing and decided to take more blood. My numbers only went from 500-700 in 5 days. Then yesterday dropped to 300. I hysterically cried all day yesterday and on and off today. I have never felt so heartbroken in my whole life.

I went back today just to talk to my doctor. If i don't start bleeding by thursday i have to get more bloodwork to make sure the levels are going down. If not they have to give me metho because they actually don't know if this is ectopic or not. They literally saw nothing in the us. I'm praying this passes on its own and that we could move on.

I can't help but be terrified that this will happen again. It was always sad seeing the losses while on TTGP but you never know how painful it is until it happens to you :( 


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Re: Sad to be joining you ladies

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    One hug on TTGP just wasn't enough, so here I am again:  HUG!  I'm terribly sorry for your loss.  I know how hard it is; I found out about mine 4 weeks ago, and I'm still reeling from it.  I think you will find this board very helpful and the women here empowering.  I've been posting here pretty frequently for weeks now, and every vent and question is met with compassion.  Wishing you a speedy physical recovery so you can begin to heal emotionally.  We're here to support you!
    Cycle 7: BFP 1-17-12, Missed Miscarriage at 8w6d (measured 7w2d, no HB), D&C 2-29-12
    Cycle 9: BFP 5-3-12:EDD 1-24-13 It's a girl! Born 12-27-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I am so sorry for your loss.. Ts & Ps.
    "If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again." Anniversary Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker Stick Baby Stick!
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    I am so sorry Spruce. I of course have seen you on the November 2012 board and my heart just breaks for all of us who aren't going to have our babies to hold this fall. 


    I was the same way--so sad when I would see the losses on the boards but never realizing how incredibly painful it is until it happened to me. My T&P are with you. I have joined TTCAL which I felt more comfortable joining then TTGP and the ladies their have been great because they understand.  

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find the support you need here. 
    BabyFruit Ticker BFP #1 - 1-25-2012. Missed M/C discovered at 9 weeks 3 days. D&C 3-9-2012

    BFP #2 - 10-11-2012 Beta 38, 10-15-2012 Beta 518!.
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    I am so sorry Spruce. I of course have seen you on the November 2012 board and my heart just breaks for all of us who aren't going to have our babies to hold this fall. 


    I was the same way--so sad when I would see the losses on the boards but never realizing how incredibly painful it is until it happened to me. My T&P are with you. I have joined TTCAL which I felt more comfortable joining then TTGP and the ladies their have been great because they understand.  

    So sorry we are here. I had this vision of having everyone over for thanksgiving to see our little turkey and it's been crushed... I just keep worrying about November coming and having nothing. I hope this time goes quickly for us all! Thanks for suggesting ttcal..I'll check it out. I'm hoping this will pass naturally and I can ttc soon.
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    I am so sorry Spruce. I of course have seen you on the November 2012 board and my heart just breaks for all of us who aren't going to have our babies to hold this fall. 


    I was the same way--so sad when I would see the losses on the boards but never realizing how incredibly painful it is until it happened to me. My T&P are with you. I have joined TTCAL which I felt more comfortable joining then TTGP and the ladies their have been great because they understand.  

    So sorry we are here. I had this vision of having everyone over for thanksgiving to see our little turkey and it's been crushed... I just keep worrying about November coming and having nothing. I hope this time goes quickly for us all! Thanks for suggesting ttcal..I'll check it out. I'm hoping this will pass naturally and I can ttc soon.


    I understand about Thanksgiving...it's so sad. Usually we go to my grandparents three hours away for thanksgiving and before I m/c they said they would come up here because of the baby this year. It's just sad. 

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