
how difficult is using fondant?

Looking at cakes for DS2's bday party, and I've always wanted to try fondant. Is it really a PITA? I'm really not a great baker.
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Re: how difficult is using fondant?

  • It's a PITA if you want to cover the entire cake with fondant.  And that doesn't taste that great IMO.  If you just want some cute fondant accents, then it's not too bad.  It's kinda like playing with play-doh. 

    A website I get a lot of info from is even have tons of idea pics and a forum if you have specific questions. 

    My kids love their homemade birthday cakes...good luck!

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  • Are you looking to cover the cake? Or just a few things made out of fondant? I have made things with gum paste (sort of the same thing as fondant) and they turned out well. I have not covered a cake fully in fondant though. I have tried, but each time, it came out crappy. And it is a pain if you haven't done it before. If I were you, I would just make a few things out of gum paste to put on the cake for practice first. has great tips for fondant and all that.

    Hope this helped! 

    ETA: sweetie, we must have posted at the exact same time. I didn't try to copy you. (I hate it when people do that on here) 

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  • I've used it before and Im no pro.... I will say, I came across The Mat and spontaneously bought it. Ha. I will say its the best thing ever. If u want to cover a cake, it's a must. Do not buy the Wilton fondant to cover a cake tho. It tastes awful. It's ok for small decorations, but I have a speciality cake shop in my area that I buy my fondant from, and it's not too bad. I haven't been brave enough to make my own yet. One tip I was given...if u buy it.... If u have a mixer w a dough hook, put it in the mixer and let the dough hook work it out a little bit. It will be easier to work with.... Now that I'm getting better at using it, it's actually easier for me to use because I haven't mastered icing a cake smooth. Ugh. It's daunting, at least it was for me, but glad I did it... Just give yourself the time... Have fun 

    ****My boys....****
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