We don't know what we're having yet, but if it's a boy, the middle name will be dean. Our DD's name is Natalie. We like classic names, nothing too modern, and would LOVE your suggestions:) TIA!!
My FIL and BIL both have the middle name Dean. FIL is Bernard (Bernie) and BIL is Brian. I think it works with both, but I'm not a fan of the name Bernard.
We are using Dean as a middle name too. (It's a family name from my husbands side). I love Clayton Dean. My husband likes Collin Dean. What we both can agree on is Tyson Dean for now.
Re: FN that goes with MN Dean
Philip Dean
Oliver Dean
Patrick Dean
DD - Lucia Alessandra 6/18/12 ~~~ Welcoming Baby Boy!! - 3/26/14
Jonathan Dean
Lucas Dean
Zachary Dean
Benjamin Dean
Jacob Dean
Oliver Dean
It seems that names with 3 syllables sound the best with Dean.
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